Please refer below the step wise (temporary) process that is to be followed for IPPB agent services till a final solution is worked out.
1. In the morning IPPB Micro ATM end user can collect the money from the counter operator. At that time counter operator will navigate to Daily Operation --> Legacy Adjustment. Will choose "Pay to IPPB Agent" and enter the amount to be paid to Agent. Same amount will be deducted from POS counter cash balance.
2. After returning to Post office, the Micro ATM end user need to find out total deposit and total payment for that day or till that time. At that time counter operator will navigate to Daily Operation --> Legacy Adjustment.
For Deposit: Choose "IPPB Additional Deposit" and enter total deposit amount. Same amount will be increased in POS counter cash balance.
For Withdrawn: choose "IPPB Additional withdrawal" and enter amount for any withdrawn. Same amount will be deducted from POS counter cash balance.
3. Before performing submit account counter operator should transfer all the amount to Treasure.
Note: Pay to IPPB Agent has been added. So after running daily sync, the option will be available in the POS counter.
This solution has been approved by the PAF Wing. This temporary solution will be followed till a permanent solution is provided.
Circles are requested to kindly circulate to all Concerned and post offices immediately.
( Above procedure is also being circulated by CSI team separately)
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