Step by step process to show RICT device's screen through Projector @ WCTC or
Divisional office or any other place (where both System and Device can be connected inthe same LAN through Ethernet cables:
Softwares to be installed in the System/Laptop:
1) Putty
2) VNC Viewer
● Both application installation files are readily made available in the same Google drive folder in which this document is available
● Install both softwares in Desktop/Laptop to which RICT Device is proposed to be connected.
- Connect an Ethernet cable /Patch cable of LAN in RICT Device
- Setup the same IP (or any IP from the IP range of that LAN) in the connected RICT
(Go to navigation bar in home screen of RICT device >> Network settings >> Enter 6 digit PIN of that Device >> Enter IP address of that LAN as above, Subnet mask & Default gateway of that existing LAN setup used in other systems >> Submit >> Confirm)
3) In System/Laptop, type Putty in RUN >> Enter IP of the device >> Press Enter
4) Click “Yes” button in the next dialogue box appearing
5) In the command prompt,
Type root against “Login as” option
Press “Enter”
Enter root password (alpha numeric) of the device (to be obtained from RSI vendor)
Press “Enter”
Type cd<space>/usr/bin and press “Enter”
Type iptables<space>--flush and press “Enter”
Type x11vnc and press “Enter”
6) Open “VNC Viewer” software
Enter IP of the device.
Press “Enter”
7) Screen of the RICT device is displayed in the System/Laptop which in turn automatically projected through Projector. Adjust the settings in VNC viewer to get clear image with blank background.
8) You can now start controlling the device using system keyboard and mouse.
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