Stamp Duty On Indemnity Bond Statewise In India

In accordance with the Indian Stamp Act 1899 read with the laws for stamp duty of respective States and Union Territories - stamp duty is required to be paid in case of indemnity bond.

State Rate of Stamp Duty Applicable Law
Andhra Pradesh Three per centum of the value of the security subject to a maximum of rupees one hundred. (a) The Indian Stamp Act, 1899
(b) The Indian Stamp (Andhra   Pradesh Extension and Amendment) Act, 1959
Arunachal Pradesh The same duty as a Security Bond (No. 57) for the same amount. (a) The Indian Stamp Act, 1899
(b) The Indian Stamp (Arunachal Pradesh Amendment) Act, 2007
Assam The same duty as a Security-Bond (No. 57) for the same amount. (a) The Indian Stamp Act, 1899
(b) The Indian Stamp (Assam Amendment) Act, 2004
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Bihar The same duty as Security Bond (No. 57) for the same amount subject to a maximum of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand). (a) The Indian Stamp Act, 1899
(b) The Indian Stamp (Bihar Amendment) Act, 1991

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Disclaimer: We have made best efforts to compile the above information. However, you are requested to refer to the relevant Stamping laws in force of the concerned State/Union Territory and/or consult with respective statutory authorities before proceeding with any actual transaction. We shall not be held responsible for any discrepancy or inaccuracy found in the above information. Any discrepancy found in the above may be brought to our notice through email or comment below.


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