Revision of Minimum Wage, Improvement of Fitment Formula and abolition of National Pension System (NPS) – NJCA

Dated: 01/09/2018
The General Secretaries
of Affiliated Unions of NFIR
Dear Brother,
Sub: Resolution No. NJCA/2018 dated 18/08/2018 against Government’s Failure to fulfill its assurances – Reg.
A copy of Resolution dated 18/08/2018 passed by NJCA is enclosed [Click to view the Resolution].
As decided by NJCA in its meeting held on 18/08/2018 at New Delhi, the affiliates are directed to hold mass rallies/demonstrations etc., protesting against Government failure to implement its assurances on revision of minimum wage, improvement of fitment formula and abolition of National Pension System (NPS). Other pending issues related to railway employees may also be highlighted during protest actions. Affiliates may take note that “September 2018” should be treated as PROTEST MONTH by organizing different forms of protest actions at all levels i.e. Depots, Establishments, Workshops, Major Stations etc.,
“All India Protest Day” should be observed on 19th September 2018 and on the said date the affiliates should mobilize employees in large number along with those of Central Government Employees Organizations and hold massive rallies/demonstrations. The members of INDWF and FNPO should also be made part of agitation wherever possible.
A report on protest actions conducted by the affiliates may be sent to the Federation promptly.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR
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