No. PF-66/2018 Dated : 20th August 2018
Shri A.N Nanda,
Department of Posts,
DakBhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Appeal for help of Kerala
you are well aware about the unprecedented flood havoc and disaster in Kerala. The Calamity has caused immeasurable devastation and untold sufferings to the people of Kerala. Hundreds lives have been lost. Thousands home have been destroyed and many more damaged. The roads have been damaged on large scale. Crops have been destroyed fully. Every section of Kerala is suffering a lot. Our Postal family members are also suffering untold miseries as their houses are destroyed or damaged.
This type of calamity has never been faced by the people of Kerala.
Being a part of civilized society we should also make some efforts to extend help to the people of Kerala.
We have made appeal to entire rank and file of NFPE to extend maximum help by donating in Kerala Chief Ministers Distress Relief Fund.
We would like to urge upon you being Head of the Postal Family,kindly give appeal to all Postal Employees to donate atleast one day salary for the help of people of Kerala.
Hoping for a positive response.
Yours Sincerely,
(R.N Parashar)
Secretary General
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