Postal Employees Convention in Chennai (22-07-2018)

A State level convention and seminar have been convened in Chennai on 22-07-2018 under the Presidium of Com. Angel Sathiyanathan, President, Chennai City North Division and Com. V.Parthipan, Vice President, Chennai City Central Division.

The meeting organized by Com.P.Senthilkumar, Divisional Secretary, Gr.C, Chennai City Central Division.

Speakers made deliberations on various subjects, viz.,

Com.P.Sampath, President of an ogranization for eradication of untouchbility.
Topic : Role of Trade Unions against Social evils

Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPEU GrC.,
Topic : Staff problems and role of Unions in Postal department
(In his absence, a message has been read out in the session)

Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS
Topic : 16 days GDS strike & future tasks

Com.J.Ramamoorthy, All India President & Circle Secretary, AIPEU GrC.,
Topic : Introduction of technology and its aftermath in Postal department.

Com.R.B.Suresh, Chairman, CoC, NFPE, Tamilnadu Circle
Topic : NPS, its bad effects & role of Trade Unions.

Com.S.Raghupathy, Secretary, NFPE
Topic : Govt Policies - Politics and role of Trade Unions.

Many other leaders viz., Com.K.Raghavendran, former Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPRPA., Com.K.Manoharan, Working President, NFPE., Com.D.Sivagurunadhan, AIPCPCCWF., Com.R.Dhanraj, Dy,General Secretary & Circle Secretary, AIPEU-GDS., Com.G.Kannan, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Postman & MTS., Com.Jasmin Jalar Begum, Circle Secretary, AIPESBCOEA., Com.L.Sunderamurthy, Div. Secretary, Gr.C., Chennai City Central Divsion were also present and addressed. And also many other veteran leaders, senior comrades of postal unions were participated. The meeting witnessed by more than 500 delegates and continued upto 5.00pm.

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