POS Back Office Login Issue in CSI - Solution by TCS

Some post transfer activities:

Sometimes the employee is unable to log in to POS BO even though you have transferred in SAP. 

What has happened?
The new facility details of the employee has not mapped at IM end yet (although it is mapped in SAP).

To overcome this issue,

Use the T-code: ZHR_PUSHTOIAM

You can enter multiple employees as well, then execute.

You will get similar output:

You can see we have mentioned two employees. One is having Create file (Create_20180709_131805.csv). This is generated at the time of new employee id creation. It suggests that the id is sent for creation in IM portal.

Modify refers that some changes are done and are to be changed in IM portal (e.g. Office change). You can keep the file name as reference in case the IM portal is not reflecting the new changes after 1 hour. The file name can be kept as a track to follow up with the IAM Team.

Note: You can push employee ids to IM after hiring new employees and after transferring any employee in SAP and make sure to wait for 1 hour.


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