Mass Official Transfer Process (For Bulk) in SAP - CSI

Use the T-Code ZHR_MASSTRANSFER. The division or region head will use this T-Code. You will get the following screen:
Note: Please make sure not to include all types of transfer in one excel. There are various radio buttons given in the above screen. Make separate excel file for different types of transfer.

For example, you should not keep one way transfer outside division and one way transfer within division in one excel file.

Now create an excel file with the following columns:

Also read :eMO Returns Tool

Give the new postion ID where the employee needs to be transferred (it should be a vacant post).

Upload this excel in the above T-Code. You will get the following screen:

Press Enter button 2 times without doing any changes(Give some gap, about 1 second between the two enter buttons). You will get this screen:

and then press F3

Again press F3 and you will get the message:

And the employee will be successfully transferred. You can check the status in ZHR_ERDETAILS or PA30.

Note: Do not use filled post unless it is any kind of mutual transfer. 


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