Central Headquater : 17/3 B, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi 110001
Sh. A.N.Nanda,
The Secretary (Post)
Department of Post
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-100001
No. CHQ/POA/1-22/2017-18 Dated 16.07.18
Sub. Drawal of increment to the PS Group ‘B’ officers while placing at Level 9 of Pay Matrix corresponding to GP of Rs.5400/-.
Respected Sir,
With due regards, Postal Officer Association wishes to submit the following few lines for your kind information and sympathetically consideration:
1. This association vide letter no. CHQ/POA/1-22/2017-18 dated 15.02.18 followed by reminders and agenda item apprised directorate about non fixture of pay of PS Group B officers at level 9 in the manner as prescribed in Rule 13 of CCS (RP) rules 2016 either on 1-1-2016 or on completion of 4 years of service in PS Group “B” to the officers promoted or joined after 1-1-2012. Sir, you will agree that denial of increment from one GP to other is arbitrary, illogical and against the fundamental right of any employee. This association and its members for the same are running from pillar to post for justice.
2. Ministry of Finance F No. 26017/219/2016- Ad.II.A dated 10-4-2017 has already clarified to the revenue department that since 7th CPC recommended only normal replacement pay level for Superintendents so NFGP introduced on the basis of 6th CPC recommendation will continue under 7th CPC regime by replacing the pay structure of pay band and Grade Pay with the corresponding Pay Levels/ Cells in Pay Matrix. Hence the officers promoted and joined after 1-1-2012 and were getting GP of Rs.4800/- under MACP are fully eligible for fixture of pay at level 9 which is replacement of Rs.5400/-. Non grant of increment at level 9 even on completion of four years of service iscontrary to the claim of the 7th Pay Commission that increment rate of 3% is maintained, in the pay levels which is otherwise denied to our members irrationally.
3. Recently office of Comptroller and auditor General of India New Delhi vide no. 04-staff (Appt.)/PCCell/022017 dated 9-7-2018 while granting non-functional GP of Rs. 5400/- (PB 2) i.e Pay level 9 of pay matrix to AAO/IA&AD has clarified that the benefit of pay fixation admissible as per rule 13 of CCS Revised Pay Rules 2016 shall be available at the time of grant of non-functional upgradation. But in case of PS Group B no such orders are being issued by our department which is discriminatory and unfair.
4. The orders relating to drawal of increments are contained in a number of office circulars/orders issued from time to time and pay of employee is fixed subject to the condition that the difference between the lower pay and higher pay should be at least 3%. Whereas in case of Group B officers the pay has been fixed at level nine with increase of less than 0.5%. Why this injustice to PS Group B officers?. It is not the fault of the employees but due to fault of understanding and not taking any decision for which our members are made to suffer without any fault.
5. It is therefore urged to kindly intervene and issue orders to fix the pay of PS Group ‘B’ officer as given in fundamental rules by allowing one increment who have not given increment while placing in GP of Rs.5400/- as required under Rule 13 of CCS revised pay rules-2016 so that the members of the Association may not feel discriminated.
With warm regards
Yours sincerely,
Postal Officer Association
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