Establishment Register in CSI

Module : Personal Information System

1. Establishment Register:

This module will be used to see the number of vacant and filled post in a Division.


Just enter the facility ID of your division and execute.

Then select the third column “Facility Description” and then click on “Sort in Ascending Order”.

Then you can see your offices under division in serial order. You can see the available posts there, some will be vacant and some will be filled. The post which are filled will have the employee name and ID who is sitting at that post.

Note: It is to be understood that whille transferring any employee from Office 1 to Office 2, you should first find an vacant post from Office 2 and then you will transfer that employee to that vacant post.

For example,

If you want to transfer any employee(Postal Assistant) to Andarsul S.O, you should find a vacant post as the screenshot below.

You should always note the Post ID which will always start from 3. Exampe: 30027322 in the above screenshot.

Note: If any vacant post is not available, you can create a post using the T-Code: ZHR_ERCREATE. There is one excel format which is to be uploaded there which will be provided by TCS.


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