AIGDSU-CHQ Letter to Hon'ble MOC reg-Huge injustice in fixation of TRCA of Gramin Dak Sevaks as also in calculation and payment of arrears.

Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007

President: M. Rajangam
General Secretary: S.S. Mahadevaiah

NO, GDS/CHQ/10-A/CWC/2018 
 Dated: 09-07-2018
Sri Manoj Sinha,
Hon’ble Minister of state for communications,( I/C),
Govt. Of India,
New Delhi.

Sub. :- Huge injustice in fixation of TRCA of Gramin Dak Sevaks as also in calculation and payment of arrears.

Respected Sir,
As directed by the central working committee of this union we are forwarding herewith a copy of the resolution adopted at the meeting of the central working committee held at Lohaghat in Uttarakhand Circle from 1st to 2nd July 2018. The resolution deals in detail as to how the lowest paid Gramin Dak Sevaks have been dealt grave injustice in fixation of TRCA and payment of arrears.

We, therefore most fervently, request you kindly to look personally into the matter and intervene on behalf of the lowest paid employees, called the Gramin Dak Sevaks to ensure that the loss that the GDS have incurred in fixation of TRCA and calculation of arrears are restored.
With high regards,

Yours Faithfully,
Encl :- One Resolution

(S.S.Mahadevaiah) General Secretary

Copy forwarded, with regards to Sri A.N.Nanda, Secretary Department of posts, New Delhi with a copy of the resolution. He is requested kindly to look personally into the matter to remove the injustice done to the GDS employees. 

General Secretary

Resolution on fixation of TRCA & calculation of arrears.

This central working committee of the All India Gramin Dak Sevaks union in session at Lohaghat from 1st to 2nd July 2018 has given a deep and serious consideration to the implementation orders on the report of Kamlesh Chandra Committee on GDS issues and expresses its deep disappointment, anguish, pain and resentment on the way in which the GDS employees have been ditched and robbed of their due wages and arrears. The announcement of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications in the press conference in the afternoon of 6th June 2018 had aroused a sense of satisfaction and enthusiasm in the hearts of the Gramin Dak Sevaks, but the same has been dashed to the ground by manipulative orders issued after some 20 days of the cabinet decision.

The Gramin Dak Sevaks are hugely shocked and disappointed that the report of the committee has been wrongfully manipulated and amended. This manipulation and unjustified amendment of the report of the committee has been to the serious detriment of the GDS employees and has put them to the cumulative loss of lacs of rupees. The GDS employees are gravely agitated that such tricks have been played with the lowest paid employees of the Government while the bubus are drawing heavy salary and sumptuous perks. This step-motherly treatment with GDS employees is inexplicable. We take the examples of pay fixation (by what so ever name it is may be called) and payment of arrears.

(i) Pay fixation: The committees report was required to be implemented as a whole with effect from 01-01-2016, but orders have been issued that the pay of the GDS employees be fixed in the new pay scale (matrix) with effect from 01-07-2018 in stead. This has resulted in cumulative loss of two and a half increments to every Gramin Dak Sevak, which will run into several thousands and may go up to lacs of rupees in majority of cases. This appears to be working as “Mortin’s Fork” to cut big hole in the small pay packet of these lowest paid employees.

(ii) Calculation and payment of arrears: The recommendation of the GDS committee was and so is the justification that the pay or TRCA, as it is called, be first fixed on 01-01-2016 and the difference between the so-fixed new TRCA and payment already made be paid as arrears. The product of multiplication of the TRCA by 2.57 is a method of pay fixation and not a method of calculation of arrears. This slait of hand has resulted in huge loss culminating into several thousands and in many cases, upto a lac of rupees or more. Were the arrears of the departmental babus calculated in the manner in which the arrears of the GDS are being done? Why this differential and step motherly treatment.?

(iii) The report of the Kamlesh Chandra GDS committee was submitted on 24.11.2018 and could have been implemented easily wef 01.01.2016. It was not due to GDS employees that implementation was so unduly delayed. The GDS employees are now made to believe the delay was deliberately made to deny them their due.

The central working committee, therefore, resolves and demands that :
(a) Necessary action be taken by the Government that fresh orders are issued to the effect that the fixation of TRCA of the GDS employees is done with effect from 01-01-2016 so that the loss of increments does not occur.
(b) Arrears are calculated on the basis of pay fixed in the new pay scale (matrix) on 01.01.2016 and the residual amount of arrears is paid in cash immediately.

(iv) This central working committee resolves that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications fro his personal intervention for ensuring justice to the GDS employees.

It has been further resolved that a copy of this resolution be also for warded to Sri A. N. Nanda, secretary Department of posts for necessary action to ensure justice to the GDS employees.

President of the meeting


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