Eligibility Criteria for Appearing AAO Examination 2018

As Per the Gazette notification of the revised IP&TAFS Group-B (Gazetted) it is clear that for serving employees eligibility for LDCE is as follows:-

1. Working in : DOP/ Telecom
2. Age limit : no bar (no age restriction for LDCE)
3. No of Posts: Given under notification
4. Pattern of exam : given under notification
5. Educational Qualification: Any bachelor degree.
6. Eligibility of service: all officials in Group ‘C’ cadre with the following service
(i) Level-1 ( Gpay 1800) /MTS cadre: 14 Years
(ii) Level-2 (Gpay 1900) :13
(iii) Level-3 (Gpay-2000) / Postman : 11
(iv) Level-4 ( Gpay-2400) / PA cadre : 9 years
(v) Level-5 (Gpay-2800/MACP1 PA) : 7 years
(vi) Level-6 (Gpay-4200/MACP2 PA) : 4 years.
But some confusion is there for this regular service condition. Level-1 with 14 years is not possible due to MACP (level-2) promotion by the official.


As per Gazettee notification it was clearthat all class –C employees viz, MTS/Postman/PAs are eligible to appear this LDCE if they were a graduate.

(Group B- non Gazetted) : POSTMASTER (GRADE-II), GRADE-III, HSG-II, HSG-I, IPOs, (Gazetted) :ASPOs ect… cadre are not eligible to appear this LDCE.


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