Unauthorized entry in Finacle shall be treated as violation of rules

Dear Team(s),

Kindly see the gist of issues faced yesterday and kindly update the users with the information in the attachment . Kindly update the users on the importance of Office Accounts and utmost care is to be taken while dealing with these office accounts to avoid issues by following the correct procedure.

Erroneous data entry in office account SOLID plus 0382 at Kollam HO in Kerala Circle.

Erroneous data entry in office account SOLID plus 0382 at 11000300 in Delhi Circle.

The users instead of entering the HO office account is entering the office account of a sub office and while trying to realize face this error. Such cases shall definitely be reported to the Divisional office and the erring users reprimanded since condoning these errors will lead to frauds in future with similar errors. Kindly update the users on the following since this issue will figure in ICO(SB) inspection reports also if not looked into by the Postmasters of the concerned Hos.

No transfer entry should be made in any clearing Office Account from any other Office Account.

Point 7 SB order 5/2016 dated 21.06.2016 states that any unauthorized entry into any Office

Account shall be treated as violation of rules and official will be liable for disciplinary action.

1. 0340(Postmaster’s Account): It should be credit balance only.

2. 0017 (Outward Clearing A/c): It should be Zero balance.

3. 0101(Inward Clearing A/cPOSB cheque Debit to be given): It should be credit balance.

4. 0408(Pension upload account): It should be Debit balance only.

5. 0409(Salary upload account): It should be Debit balance only.

6. 0410(DBT Upload account): It should be Debit balance only.

7. 0382 (Subsequent deposit): It should be Zero balance only.

8. 0385(Money order upload account):It should be Debit balance only.

9. 0387 (Reinvestment A/c): It should be Zero balance only.

10. 0098 ECS Debit & credit Account: It should be Credit balance only.

11. 0322PPF Transit account: It could be either Debit/Credit balance.

12. 0339Branch office settlement account: It could be either Debit/Credit balance.

13. 0006ATM cash account: It should be Debit balance only.

14. Also 0336 account needs to be checked whether any wrong debit is done for TTUM upload.

HTTUM LOT available should be checked with accounted figure for the uploaded date.

Had the check in respect of item no 7 above is done in the HO this issue would have been identified on 16.04.2018 itself. Kindly update the Divisions on the issue. The maker and Checker shall strictly be instructed that while doing financial transactions they have to be very careful. The error clearly shows that both the maker and checker have failed miserably in their work.

Irregular cash loading transactions at Thal SO 40220701 in Maharashtra Circle

Instead of debiting SOLID plus 0017 the user debited ATM account SOLID plus 0006 for opening a SSA account. The errors happened on 16.09.2017, 31.10.2017, 10.11.2017. One Supervisor or SPM has to generate the ledger copy of this office account SOLID plus 006 or view HACLINQ of this office account and cross verify if any transaction other than ATM transactions is routed through this office account. Had this been done these issues can be settled on the very day itself so that the issue need not be reported by ATM Unit Bangalore for rectifying the same.

With warm regards,
N. Sivakumar
Dear Team(s),

Kindly see the gist of issues faced yesterday and kindly update the users with the information in the attachment . Kindly update the users on the importance of Office Accounts and utmost care is to be taken while dealing with these office accounts to avoid issues by following the correct procedure.

Erroneous data entry in office account SOLID plus 0382 at Kollam HO in Kerala Circle.

Erroneous data entry in office account SOLID plus 0382 at 11000300 in Delhi Circle.

The users instead of entering the HO office account is entering the office account of a sub office and while trying to realize face this error. Such cases shall definitely be reported to the Divisional office and the erring users reprimanded since condoning these errors will lead to frauds in future with similar errors. Kindly update the users on the following since this issue will figure in ICO(SB) inspection reports also if not looked into by the Postmasters of the concerned Hos.

No transfer entry should be made in any clearing Office Account from any other Office Account.

Point 7 SB order 5/2016 dated 21.06.2016 states that any unauthorized entry into any Office

Account shall be treated as violation of rules and official will be liable for disciplinary action.

1. 0340(Postmaster’s Account): It should be credit balance only.

2. 0017 (Outward Clearing A/c): It should be Zero balance.

3. 0101(Inward Clearing A/cPOSB cheque Debit to be given): It should be credit balance.

4. 0408(Pension upload account): It should be Debit balance only.

5. 0409(Salary upload account): It should be Debit balance only.

6. 0410(DBT Upload account): It should be Debit balance only.

7. 0382 (Subsequent deposit): It should be Zero balance only.

8. 0385(Money order upload account):It should be Debit balance only.

9. 0387 (Reinvestment A/c): It should be Zero balance only.

10. 0098 ECS Debit & credit Account: It should be Credit balance only.

11. 0322PPF Transit account: It could be either Debit/Credit balance.

12. 0339Branch office settlement account: It could be either Debit/Credit balance.

13. 0006ATM cash account: It should be Debit balance only.

14. Also 0336 account needs to be checked whether any wrong debit is done for TTUM upload.

HTTUM LOT available should be checked with accounted figure for the uploaded date.

Had the check in respect of item no 7 above is done in the HO this issue would have been identified on 16.04.2018 itself. Kindly update the Divisions on the issue. The maker and Checker shall strictly be instructed that while doing financial transactions they have to be very careful. The error clearly shows that both the maker and checker have failed miserably in their work.

Irregular cash loading transactions at Thal SO 40220701 in Maharashtra Circle

Instead of debiting SOLID plus 0017 the user debited ATM account SOLID plus 0006 for opening a SSA account. The errors happened on 16.09.2017, 31.10.2017, 10.11.2017. One Supervisor or SPM has to generate the ledger copy of this office account SOLID plus 006 or view HACLINQ of this office account and cross verify if any transaction other than ATM transactions is routed through this office account. Had this been done these issues can be settled on the very day itself so that the issue need not be reported by ATM Unit Bangalore for rectifying the same.

With warm regards,
N. Sivakumar


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