Speedy implementation of GDS Committee recommendations and related matters reg

AIGDSU – Speedy implementation of GDS Committee recommendations and related matters reg

(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007

President: M. Rajangam
General Secretary S.S. Mahadevaiah
No.GDS Committee/Agit/2018

Date: 19.04.2018
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi-110001.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Speedy implementation of GDS Committee recommendations and related matters reg.

In spite of our countrywide requests, memorials, protest meetings/Demonstrations and Strikes there is unreasonable delay in consideration and implementation of the GDS Committee recommendations. The level of tolerance has already crossed it limits. This time we have accepted OFFICERS’ Committee with open mind but still discriminative attitude is seen towards this low paid and neglected/exploited lot.

The Gramin Dak Sevaks role in future INDIA POST especially in Banking is more significant and we are also carefully watching the developments. There cannot be any compromise about their status and service conditions in the changed scenario and the GDS should get what they deserve. The Government, being a model employer, should consider our reasonable demands in the interest of service to the rural population of this country. The old policies of the British regime such as cheap labour and exploitation are outdated in the present situation and it is high time that decisions are at the appropriate levels in democratic norms. India is a welfare state and we are eagerly waiting for BETTER TREATMENT TO G.D.S AT LEAST THIS TIME.

We do sincerely hope that you will take personal interest in this matter and play vital role for speedy implementation OF ALL RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE TO TAKE EFFECT FROM 01.01.2016 at par with 7th CPC extended to Departmental counterparts.

With profound regards,

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary


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