Rollout out of Postman Mobile Application in CSI Offices

All Heads of Circles 
(Except Delhi Circle)

Ref: Directorate's letter no. 20-5/2016-D dated 11.04.2017 regarding pan-India roll out of Postman Mobile App.

The Directorate has been receiving references from some of the Circles , where the CSI roll out has hampered the deployment of the already supplied smart phones for running the Postman Mobile Applications.

2. The matter was taken up with CEPT Mysore and M/s. TCS for coming up with a solution in order to ensure that the postman mobile application for delivery updation in real-time , can be used at post offices migrated to CSI. 

3. The necessary development and testing for CSI-PMA integration has been completed in January 2018 and Circles are hereby directed to update the latest version of the mobile app and bridge application in the idling smart phones on account of CSI roll out ( download links given below ). The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for effecting delivery using the PMA , under CSI environment has also been prepared and is attached to this email.

4. It is requested to give necessary instructions in this regard to the concerned field units in your Circle. A compliance report conveying the deployment of the PMA at post offices under CSI environment (already supplied with smart phones) may be given by 13.02.2018.

PMA for CSI can be downloaded from:

PMA Bridge application for CSI can be downloaded from:

Abhishek Kumar Singh
Assistant Director General (MO)
MB Division ,Dak Bhawan
Dept. of Posts
Ministry of Communications
Govt. of India


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