SAP GUI Application error: We already posted article about message server, if you not read please click below link to read more about message server to become improve your knowledge.
Error “Logon balancing error 88. Cannot connect to message server (rc=9)” popping up every time you logon to the SAP system.
We already said that the main functioning of Message Server is load balancing. Now, you can easily understand about the error displaying above. This error may comes due to non availability of SAP Server i.e
- No Sify connectivity between Application and SAP Server or
- SAP Server may be down
- Message Server issue.
The above issue may be over come by checking the below
- Check your SAP system is up and running ( through TCS by support team / by raising tickets).
- Ensure your workplace network connectivity (i.e Sify Network) is working fine. No network means no SAP connection!. Hence, you should escalate the issue to NI Vendor M/s Sify Technologies for further action.
- Check with your colleagues in nearby offices, are they able to login or only you just affected.
- Double check your SAPGUI connection parameter is correctly maintained ( Application Server, System Number, System ID or SAProuter (if configured)) with the help of concern System Administrator.
- If you just did changes on the SAPGUI. Please close the SAPGUI and open it again. Try to connect again. Else, restart your desktop/laptop and test the connection again.
- While you check the SAPGUI parameter you may lose your configuration such as message server information became empty or partially configured. This problem may be fixed with the help of Logon file.( Please refer next topic which will be posted by Admin PoTools in
- Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc directory. Open your services file. Confirm that the entries is correctly configured. This may be done during the first time installation by TCS or System Administrator, India Post. Noted, if the entry is added at the end of the services file, please put a blank line after it.
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