1. POS Configuration in Backoffice.
2. Bag Dispatch Schedule in IPVS
3. Counter Config Mac Addreess in Back Office.
4. User Login credentials in all Modules.
5. User Names in Back Office Work Allocation.
6. Receipt printing in POS.
7. Local tariff rate in POS.
8. BO Names in BO Stamp sales(POS---MISC---BO Book Item)
9. Bag receipt Schedule in DPMS
10. Postman Name, Beat in DPMS
11. BO Name and BO Employee ID in DPMS
12. SO and BO Cash Balance in ZRFBL3N
13. Daily Acct Opening Balance in ZFR_DAY_NEW
14. Stamp Balance in MB52
15. IPO Serial Numbers in IQ09
16. SO and BO Profit center Authorization in ZFFV50
17. Authorization of TCodes F-02, MIGO, Cash to Postman & Cash Receive Options in DPMS
18. Check Current Bussiness date (it Should be today date) before executing PO END in Back Office
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