Children Education Allowance: Reimbursement of CEA Per Child for Academic Year 2017-18

7th CPC CEA: Total Claim for Academic Year 2017-18

Children Education Allowance: CEA is paid to government employees to take care of schooling and hostel requirements of their children. Before VI CPC recommendations, the scheme was known as Children Education Assistance and provided at the following rates: 
Component Class 1 - X Class XI-XII Requirement
Reimbursement of Tuition Fee  40 50
Reimbursement of Tuition Fee for Disabled and mentally retarded children 100 100
Children Education Allowance   100 100 In case the government employee is compelled to send his child to a school away from the Station of his posting
Hostel Subsidy 300 300 In case the employee is obliged to keep his children in a hostel away from the Station of his posting and residence on account of transfer.
The VI CPC rationalized the structure to the following:
Component Recommended rate Remarks
Children Education Allowance  Rs.1500 pm  Whenever DA increases by 50%, CEA shall increase by 25%
Hostel Subsidy  Rs.4500 pm  Whenever DA increases by 50%, Hostel Subsidy shall increase by 25%
7th Pay Commission recommended as follows:
Component Recommended rate (pm) Remarks
Children Education Allowance  Rs.1500 x 1.5 = 2250  Whenever DA increases by 50%, CEA shall increase by 25%
Hostel Subsidy  Rs.4500 x 1.5 = 6750 (ceiling)  Whenever DA increases by 50%, Hostel Subsidy shall increase by 25%
The allowance will continue to be double for differently abled children.

Simplification of Procedure for Reimbursement: This is a major area of concern. Many representations have been received by the Commission wherein employees have stated that due to cumbersome procedures, reimbursement has been held up for years. Another issue is the kind of voucher which will be accepted and which kind of voucher will not. The issue has been examined, and the apprehensions expressed are not without merit.

It is recommended that reimbursement should be done just once a year, after completion of the financial year (which for most schools coincides with the Academic year). For CEA, a certificate from the head of institution where the ward of government employee studies should be sufficient for this purpose. The certificate should confirm that the child studied in the school during the previous academic year.

For Hostel Subsidy, a similar certificate from the head of institution should suffice, with the additional requirement that the certificate should mention the amount of expenditure incurred by the government servant towards lodging and boarding in the residential complex. The amount of expenditure mentioned, or the ceiling as mentioned in the table above, whichever is lower, shall be paid to the employee.

The Central Government has decided and notified the allowance shall be admissible with effect from 1st July, 2017.

The total re-imbursement amount can be claimed per child per year:
Re-imbursement Per Child Per Year
Apr-17 1500 4500 3000
May-17 1500 4500 3000
Jun-17 1500 4500 3000
Jul-17 2250 6750 4500
Aug-17 2250 6750 4500
Sep-17 2250 6750 4500
Oct-17 2250 6750 4500
Nov-17 2250 6750 4500
Dec-17 2250 6750 4500
Jan-18 2250 6750 4500
Feb-18 2250 6750 4500
Mar-18 2250 6750 4500
Total 24750 74250 49500


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