Standard Operating Procedure for Office Accounting after implementation of CSI

In CSI offices, accounting is centralized at transaction level. Hence there is no requirement of consolidation of accounts at sub office and head office level. Classification according to account codes is done automatically at the point of transaction, in respect of all POS and DPMS transactions. However, in respect of other financial transactions like Finacle, Mccamish, WUIMT, MMTS etc, there is a need to do voucher posting currently. Once integration is completed (which is expected to be done on completion of country-wide rollout of CSI), there would be no requirement of voucher posting.

The actions needed to ensure correct accounting in CSI offices are outlined below:
❖ Tallying of system balance with physical balance:At the start of business day, view ZFBL3N and check the correctness of the ‘DOP Cash’Opening Balance with that of physical balance. At the end of business day, the closing cash balance of ZFBL3N should be tallied with that of Physical balance. Any difference can be due to the missing voucher postings of financial transactions like PLI/RPLI, WMTS, MMTS, etc. Any pendency in voucher postings of Finacle transactions does not affect the DOP cash unless, they are wrongly posted in reference to DOP Cash.
❖ Accounting of transactions: All POS transactions have to be accounted through ‘POS Back Office Cash’ as obtained from Treasurer/DOP cash. Voucher posting relating to Finacle transactions (DPBS) done through POS has also to be with reference to ‘POS Back Office Cash’only. DOP cash GL is not to be used for this purpose. If DOP Cash GL is used, it will inflate the cash balance of treasurer and resultantly the closing DOP cash balance and physical cash balance will differ.
❖ Allocation of cash to counters: The allocation of cash to POS counter must be invariably done through POS Back Office module.In no case, cash which was not routed through the process be used in the POS counter.
❖ Verification of closing cash: Ensure correctness of Closing cash (DOP Cash) as in ZFR_DAY report of previous day with the opening DOP cash as in ZFBL3N report. Differences can be verified with the subtotals of each G/L by the FAGLL03 report with respective Posting Key of the day with that of ZFR_DAY.If the cash transfer is done through voucher posting, those figures will not reflect in ZFR_DAY, resulting in difference with ZFBL3N balance.
❖ Use of appropriate posting key: While posting any transactions in SAP, use appropriate posting key for Debit or Credit. In general, when department receives cash, DOP cash / POS cash GL as the case is debited (use Posting Key 40) and respective receipt GL is
credited (use Posting Key 50). When department pays cash, DOP cash / POS cash as the case credited (Use Posting Key 50) and payment account head is debited (Use Posting Key 40).
❖ Posting of PLI/ RPLI transactions: The transactions relating to PLI/RPLI done through POS, need to be posted at the end of the day by using DOP cash GL as debit or credit as the case may be [till issuesin POS/McCamish are settled]. Voucher postings of Finacle transactions and McCamish should be done with reference to the swift report figures generated from POS module.
❖ Cash transfer to other offices: Cash transfer to other offices should invariably be done through workflow only and not by voucher postings. Cash received through workflow should be acknowledged by the receiver office on receipt of Cash,failing which DOP Cash of the receiver office will not be debited, i.e, balance will not be raised. Instances were noticed where cash receipt was posted manually and resultantly Cash in transit of the sender office is outstanding.Any lapse in these procedures will lead to different closing balances in ZFR_DAY and ZFBL3N.
❖ Functioning of DPMS: Every event of malfunctioning in DPMS is to be brought to the notice of TCS by raising tickets appropriately. When DPMS is down, voucher posting has to be done in respect of disbursements of Money orders, undelivered MO, receipts of COD and VPP. APM (Mails)/SPM should ensure that the MO postman issue is settled on a day to day basis. This can be verified through FAGLL03 with GL code 4200020009 of the respective profit centers.Please ensure that sum of MO postman issue is also zero at the end of the day.
❖ Checking for pendency: The sum of POS CASH GL 4867100011 should be zero at the end of the day. Any outstanding balances indicate pendency of voucher posting of Finacle transactions held in POS that day. The pending balances can be identified from the swift report from POS. Voucher postings for Finacle transactions should be invariably done with reference to POS CASH GL only. Rarely, there can be cases where invoices raised for walk- in customers in POS but billing not occurred in SAP, resulting in outstanding POS balances. This can be verified through FAGLL03, where invoice and billing documents can be linked with the code available in the text column.
❖ VPMO booking: While booking the VPMO and crediting VP clearing accounts, the appropriate check box for VPP should be clicked to enable proper accounting and clearance of their respective documents. The proper procedure for clearing COD receipts and its remittances to the sender may be followed through CSI only.
❖ Third party transactions: Third party transactions like WUIMT etc, which are not integrated with and not functioning in CSI POS, be done with DOP cash and voucher posting be done with reference to the Hand to Hand book of receipts and payments as tallied by the respective PA.
❖ Verification of Voucher posting: Once the Voucher posting is completed for the day, it may be cross-verified with the shift report figures as generated in POS for that particular day. Any variation be reconciled immediately and posted.
❖ Remittances: While making cash remittances between HO and SO, the prescribed workflow should invariably be followed. In case of Remittances from SO to BO and BO to SO, when Workflow is not functioning, direct posting with single DOP GL be avoided. In such cases also SAP GL of cash in transit should be used.
❖ Certification of voucher posting: The entire voucher posting be supported by a voucher, which should be signed and approved by the PM/ SPM. In case of voucher posting relating to Finacle and PLI/RPLI, the signed copy of Excel sheet be used as voucher and Document number be mentioned therein.
❖ Traceability of payments/ receipts: Every payment /receipts should invariably supported by voucher/List and the Document number in which it is posted be mentioned in the Voucher.
❖ Cheque clearance: The Clearance of Inward and outward cheques received for various transactions be processed through FSI and the GL of POR Chennai be used for the cheques got realized through Chennai Grid. Separate procedure issued by PAO Bangalore be invariably followed.
❖ Accounting of BO transactions: As all the BOs are under Non CSI as BOs are not computerized, the transactions posting thereon be checked by taking ZFR_Day report for the Branch Office and its data be checked with the Hard copy of respective BO daily Account. No activity be kept backlog and the day’s work be completed and tallied on the day itself.
❖ Verification of one-time customer GL: For any Transactions in POS, an invoice is generated with one time customer GL for walk in customer and it should be ensured that it will be zero at the end of the day. Cross check with reference to FAGLL03. Any variations should be reported with raising tickets.
❖ Use of correct document type: While doing voucher posting, correct document type of
CSI be used.
❖ Posting of Bank Scrolls: The Drawings from Bank clearing account and remittance to bank Clearing GLs should be cleared on posting of entries on receipt of Bank Scrolls.
❖ Care in selecting proper field in POS transaction: Proper care may be taken while feeding appropriate fields while making POS transactions, especially while scanning bar codes. There have been instances of barcode being fetched in Amount field wrongly. Even after reversal entry, the account shows distorted figures. Hence avoid such instances.
❖ Records: Every office must take a print of the day’s account which is to be signed by Head of the office. All vouchers/lists etc be sent to HPO duly noted with document number. HPO will send such vouchers and lists along with its records to PAO Bangalore.
❖ General Check at HPO: The HPO shall check the SO/BO accounts by accessing the data online. No need for taking print outs for rendering accounts to HPO by SPOs. The Postmaster concerned shall have to nominate such employees and role be authorized. It is the duty of the Postmaster to ensure check on day to day basis and raise such objections deemed fit and also raise tickets with TCS. The Divisional Head may obtain revised MDW consequent on CSI Roll out and examine and approve accordingly.

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