Income tax notices mailed

Income tax notices mailed

The Findlay Income Tax Department has mailed income tax filing notices for calendar year 2017.
Notices went to over 25,000 Findlay, Arlington, Mount Cory and Vanlue taxpayers this week.

The purpose of the notices is to remind local taxpayers of their obligation to file municipal income tax returns during the upcoming income tax filing season.

Soon after the first of the year, income tax forms will be available at the Findlay Municipal Building, at the main and Arlington branches of the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library, and at

Findlay, Arlington, Mount Cory and Vanlue residents who are 18 years old or older are required to file a municipal income tax return, even if they had no taxable income.

Findlay and Arlington residents who are 16 or 17 years old and who have income that is subject to the tax must file, even if no additional income tax is due.

Mount Cory and Vanlue residents are subject to the village income tax when they reach age 18.
Any person, business, or entity that conducted business or owned rental property in Findlay, Arlington, Mount Cory or Vanlue must file a municipal income tax return, even if no income tax is due.

Nonresident individuals who worked in those communities must file if their employers did not withhold enough municipal income tax.

Nonresidents who are subject to the income tax do not have to file if all their city or village income taxes were completely and accurately withheld by their employers.

Payments and income tax returns for all four communities can be placed in the drop box located in the east curbed island of the Findlay Municipal Building’s West Crawford Street parking lot.

For assistance, taxpayers can call 419-424-7133 or visit the Tax Department in Room 115 on the first floor of the Findlay Municipal Building. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The office will be closed Dec. 22 and 25, Jan. 1 and 15, and Feb. 19.

The tax department issues the yellow postcard notices in early December to stay ahead of the holiday and the new year’s mailing season, and to obtain more favorable scheduling from a bulk mail service provider.


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