It is reported by TCS Circle coordinator/Team that the Post roll out divisions not escalating the issues in proper way, i.e. Ticket number/issue details/screen shots/contact person are missing.
It is therefore requested kindly instruct the concerned divisions while raising the issues the following details should be ensured.
1] Correct ticket no. to be mentioned in the email.
2] All emails should be communicated with all concerned (i.e Regional,Divisional,TCS & Circle,CSI DMCC) instead of sending the direct mails to TCS.
3] All emails must be marked to CSI DMCC (
4] The required details should be considered while raising the ticket on Service Desk Portal. (i.e. Contact detail of concerned, issue details as required) It will helps to get solution in time, wherever required Facility Id, Server MAC ID & User Id should be shared in email depends on need of the issue.
Thanks & Regards,
एस मुरुगेसन S Murugesan
सहायक निदेशक सी.एस.आई./प्रौद्योगिकी Assistant Director CSI/Technology,
मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल का कार्यालय,महाराष्ट्र सर्किल O/o The Chief PMG, Maharashtra Circle,
मुंवई Mumbai - 400001
दूरभाष संख्या Phone No. 022-22693412
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