Philatelists, special covers out to honour Sir MV

BENGALURU: Philately enthusiasts have reason to cheer with the Indian Postal Department releasing special covers to commemorate the centenary year celebrations of the University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering Dr. Charles Lobo, Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle, says "The release of the special cover marks a milestone in the history of UVCE and it is a tribute to one of the greatest figures in Karnataka and a luminary in the field of innovation, the great engineer Sir M Visvesvaraya."
According to Dr Venugopal K R, principal, UVCE, says as many as 2,000 such special covers were released at a function a few days ago. "This is a great chance for philately enthusiasts to collect something that is very special. It is something that is very rare and will not be available anymore. I have distributed a few of these covers among staff members and students. Many are sure to be snapped up by many other collectors. What is the most important thing, however, is the fact that there will always be a record of the UVCE cover with the Indian Postal Department for posterity," says Venugopal.

The UVCE centenary special cover has two pictures of the UVCE and that of Sir M Visvesvaraya on one side. On the other side, there is a short history of the institute.

Col. Arvind Varma, Postmaster General, Bengaluru, says, "There is a need for present-day engineers to inculcate the commitment, hardwork, and honesty of Sir M Visvesvaraya in order to be globally competitive. We are glad that an time like this in the University's history could be commemorated through the special covers."

An important event may be commemorated by the Department of Post through the issue of special covers i.e postage envelopes. Recently the department released a special cover of a movie the Rajnikanth starer Kabali. Another special cover was also released in July remember the occasion of Rakhi.

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