Circle Union suggests on proposed revision of Recruitment Rules of MTS, Postman, Mail Guard and PA / SA

No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 11 – 12 / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 16th December, 2017
Com. R N Parashar
Secretary General, NFPE
North Avenue Post Office Building
New Delhi - 110001

Sub:- Suggestions on proposed revision of Recruitment Rules of MTS, Postman, Mail Guard and P A / S A

Ref.- Directorate’s letter No.27-33/2009-SPB-I, dated 13.12.2017 

Respected Comrade,
With reference to above, we have has the following suggestions which may be considered for conveying to the Directorate, if sound proper and found feasible along with any other suggestions received if any from any corner by NFPE.

1. The Department of Posts (Multi Tasking Staff) Recruitment Rules, 2017:
In this context, this Circle Union observes that with implementation of I T Modernization Project, the job profile of the MTS both in Administrative and in Subordinate offices has been changed and become multifarious and now they are performing even some clerical duties in addition to their non-clerical duties and as such the erstwhile Group-D has been re-designated as MTS Group-C vide Postal Directorate letter No.1-20/2008-PCC, dated 24.09.2010 with assignment of the following nature of activities.

i. Maintenance of Diary/Despatch/Movement Registers including entry in computer and physical maintenance of records.
ii. Submission of periodical statements of routine nature like absentee statement etc.
iii. Preparation and submission of indents with approval of supervisor.
iv. Photocopying and sending of fax messages.
v. Delivery of Dak within and outside the building.
vi. Watch and ward/caretaker duties, opening and closing of rooms, general cleanliness and upkeep of section/unit/office including dusting of furniture, cleaning of building, rooms, fixture, upkeep of parks, lawns, potted plants etc.
vii. Other non-clerical work in the section / unit.
viii. Driving of vehicles, if in possession of valid driving license.
ix. Sale of Postage Stamps / Stationery, Assistance in booking of Registered / Parcel and Speed Post articles, Receipt and Despatch of mails including preparation of Mail / Registered / Parcel List, preparation of delivery list for registered articles and Money Orders.
x. Scanning of Speed Post Bags / Articles and its uploading in on the Speednet or any other software dealing with the processing of speed post articles or similar other activity.
xi. Assistance in sorting of mails, exchange of mails, letter box clearance etc.
xii. Handling customer enquiries.

Thus, they are performing both technical and non-technical works and their area of operation is spread both inside and outside the office. While they are performing both in-house / back-house works, they have also field jobs.

Therefore, we have the following suggestions.

a. The MTS needs to be placed at Level – 3 of the Pay Matrix instead of Level – 1 as proposed under Column – 4 of Part-I and Part – II of the Schedule annexed to the Directorate letter under reference.
b. The condition of Direct Recruitment from Open Market proposed in Para – V under Column – 10 of Part- I and Para - C under Column – 10 of Part – II of the Schedule needs to be dropped since the Department of Posts is well equipped with lakhs of Gramin Dak Sewak and Casual Workers who should be given opportunity to become the Departmental employees through such RRs.

2. The Department of Posts (Postman) Recruitment Rules, 2017:
Similar to the case of MTS, the job profile of Postman has now been changed with implementation of I T Modernization Project in the Department of Posts. On account of changes in the present work culture due to induction of Information Technology, the Postal Directorate, vide its letter No. 25-20/2008-PE.I, dated 25.11.2008 has prescribed the following additional duties for the Postman / Delivery Staff.

i. Data entry in various modules (Postman / Speednet) for all mail articles given to them for delivery.
ii. Assistance to Sorting Postman / Head Postman in beat sorting
iii. Delivery of Direct Posts
iv. Collection of surplus cash from S Oslying in the beat and remitting cash to the main post office to which they are attached, whenever ordered by the Postmaster.
v. Assisting in Table Sorting, Segregation of misspent / misdirected articles and beat sorting.
vi. Preparation of Special Delivery Slips for bulk addressees by data entry in the Postman Module.
vii. Sorting of Accountable Articles and Money Orders beat-wise and their entry into computer system for printing of delivery slips.
viii. Entry of Undelivered Accountable Articles / Money Orders in the Postman Module.
ix. To act as an agent for promoting PLI / RPLI and Business Development Products.
x. Assistance to the Treasures in sorting of the currency notes and marking bundles denomination wise and also escort the Treasurer while drawing and remittance of cash to Bank / Treasury.
xi. Drawal of Revenue Stamps from Treasury / Sub-Treasury, if ordered by the Postmaster.
xii. Data Entry of PLI / RPLI proposals and generating Acceptance memos for policies .
xiii. Preparing the Beat List and Beat Map and updating the same on a regular basis.

Thus, they are now just not merely Postmen but the Marketing Agents of the Department performing both technical and non-technical jobs, both in-house and field assignments and both clerical and non-clerical nature of jobs.

Therefore, we have the following suggestions.

a. The Postman needs to be placed at Level – 4 of the Pay Matrix instead of Level – 3 as proposed under Column – 4 of the concerned Schedule annexed to the Directorate letter under reference.

b. The condition of Direct Recruitment from Open Market proposed in Para – iii (d) under Column – 10 of the concerned Schedule annexed to the Directorate letter under reference needs to be dropped since the Department of Posts is well equipped with lakhs of Gramin Dak Sewak and thopusand of MTS who should be given opportunity to become the Departmental employees / promoted to higher posts through such RRRs.

3. The Department of Posts (Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules, 2017:
As aware, the 6th CPC vide Para 3.1.10 and 3.1.12 observed that emphasis should be on recruiting multi-skilled personnel at Assistant level designed as Executive Assistant who will discharge the functions of present day requirement and be designated as Executive Assistant.

Similarly, the Administrative Reforms Commission observed inter alia:
“If on the basis of job evaluation, the job index is the same- the same salary should be attached to the job”. (Page 31, Para-1, Chapter IV, Volume – I). As the Postal Assistants, both Supervisory and Operative possess a higher qualitative and quantitative nature of work, they can be called as Executive Postal Assistant with higher pay”.

Moreover, in addition to day to day several operational works under various designations viz. Sub Postmaster, Postmaster Grade – I / II / III, Postmaster (LSG / HSG-II / HSG-I) , the Postal Assistants perform the duties of an Inspector (Public Relation Inspector), an Officer ( PLI Development Officer now re-designated as PLI Group Leader), an Administrator (System Administrator), an Executive (Business / Marketing / Philately Executive), an Accountant, a Treasurer and performs various administrative works in Divisional Offices, PSDs, CSDs. The job profile of this Matriculate Non-technical Postal Clerk has now become changed to a Technical Postal Assistant with +2 qualification with the passage of time due to modernization and computerization of India Post.

The present draft RR has proposed the minimum educational qualification of the PA/SA as graduation under Column 7 of the concerned Schedule of the Directorate letter under reference which is a welcome step.

Therefore, under the facts and figures, we have the following suggestions.

a. The short title of the proposed RR to be published in the Gazette of India needs to be changed from “The Department of Posts (Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules, 2017” to “The Department of Posts (Executive Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules, 2017”.

b. The P A / S A needs to be placed at Level – 6 of the Pay Matrix instead of Level – 4 as proposed under Column – 4 of the concerned Schedule annexed to the Directorate letter under reference.

With regards.

Yours comradely,

Circle Secretary

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