Constance Attendant Allowance payable to the Civilian pensioners shall be hiked by 25% when da increased 50%

No.1/4/2017 – P&PW (F)
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi- 110003
Dated the 3rd October, 2017


Subject: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendation of the VIIth Pay Commission on CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 – Constant Attendant Allowance – regarding.
In continuation of this Department’s OM No.1/4/2017-P&PW(F) dated 2nd August 2017, revising the Constant Attendant Allowance from the existing Rs.4500/- p.m to Rs.6750/- p.m, it has also been decided that the rate of Constance Attendant Allowance payable to the Civilian pensioners shall be increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance on the revised Pay in the Pay Matrix increases by 50%.

2.All other terms and conditions of this Department’s OM NO. 1/4/2017-P&PW(F) dated 2nd August 2017 will remain the same.

3.In so far as persons belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

4.These orders are issued with the concurrence of the Ministry of finance (Department of Expenditure) vide, their OM No.11-1/2016-IC dated 11.07.2017 and ID NO.11-1/2016-IC/Pt dated 25.07.2017

5.Hindi version will follow.

(Sujasha Choudhury)


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