List of office accounts which are not to be used in DOP Finacle

The office accounts listed below are blocked for transactions. Please instruct the SOLs strictly not to use these accounts in any transactions, as this would create blocking validations during EOD. These accounts, if entered in transaction menus, will show error; but it was noticed yesterday that these account numbers are being wrongly used in loan disbursement/account opening menus/TTUM uploads which resulted in blocking EOD.
Frequently used account numbers are highlighted in the list for easy reference. 

If any transaction has been done today in any of these accounts, please inform EOD team in a separate mail immediately for necessary action.
[SOLID] + 0002
[SOLID] + 0008
[SOLID] + 0009
[SOLID] + 0010
[SOLID] + 0014
[SOLID] + 0018
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[SOLID] + 0082
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[SOLID] + 0212
[SOLID] + 0253
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[SOLID] + 0263
[SOLID] + 0264
[SOLID] + 0265
[SOLID] + 0319
[SOLID] + 0323
[SOLID] + 0326
[SOLID] + 0331
[SOLID] + 0336
[SOLID] + 0383
[SOLID] + 0387
[SOLID] + 0418
[SOLID] + 0454
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