Important Communication on NI Service Desk Migration

The Network Service Desk migration is planned on 15th Sep 2017. The NI Service Desk provided by Sify Technology will cease to function and CSI Service desk will be available operational. 

Now, there will be a single point of contact for you to raise trouble and service request for all IT requirement. The service desk will first try to resolve your trouble / service request and if they can’t resolve then they will forward to respective SIs and coordinate till issue is resolved / fulfilled. In the meantime they will keep you informed about ticket status, you can also take the update from portal or through phone mentioning ticket number. 
The CSI Service Desk contact detail is as follows:
URL: 022 - 62312700
Below are some of the tips to raise the tickets while raising tickets through portal: 

1. Anyone having IDAM credentials can raise the tickets through the above URL or through phone call. If IDAM Id is not available then please contact your Division.
2. It is mandatory to put the correct WEG code of the location, where in which the network issue has been reported.
3. The description of tickets may please be furnished with screen shots wherever warranted.
4. The locations which is raising the tickets for other locations, should update the information sought by L1/ L2 and hence the portal be viewed periodically to provide updates.
5. Locations intend to raise tickets, but not provided with IDAM can call the above phone number to log tickets. 
6. The old tickets will be responded by Sify till 30th Sept 2017. 

Thanks in advance and looking forward towards your cooperation for successful migration.


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