1.Sol Change to HO using HACXFER and Verify.
2.Unfreeze the SSA account using HAFSM and verify.
3.Run HACACCR to Check the CYI.
4.If the Account is standing at SO again SOL Change to be made to SO using HACXFER and verify.
5. Before invoking the closure menu we have to make the customer status to Deceased and enter the date of death at CIF level using the menu CMRC and verify.
6.Invoke menu HCAAC to close the account. Then enter the below details
Enter the field account ID ____
Select the Transaction Type as "Transfer"
Enter the Transaction A/c ID. "Postmaster A/c id" (SOLID+0340) because payment of claim closure should be through cheque only.
Then click on Closure tab then the system will show below screen and in the closure reason column select the reason code as "DTCLM" (This is mandatory for claim closures as the system will calculate the interest based on the closure reason code)
Verify the same using HCAAC.
1. After successful closure of account using the claim closure then make the CIF as Suspended by using the menu CMRC so that no one will open the accounts using the Deceased CIF.
2. Some of the users are changing the CIF status to Suspended CIF before closure of account which results in the error while closing the account hence make sure close the account and then change the CIF to suspended state,
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