No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/DPC-PS Gr.B/KTK/2016 Dated : 21/7/2017
Ms Achla Bhatnagar,
Member (P)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Promotion and postings in Postal Services Group ‘B’ cadre.
Ref. : Dte Memo No. 9-02/2015(1)-SPG dated 09-06-2016
Respected Madam,
IP/ASP Association would like to bring to your kind notice that Directorate vide above captioned memo has appointed 29 Inspector Line Officers on regular basis in PS Gr. B cadre by holding the supplementary DPC.
It is further bring to your kind notice that Shri N. G. Basanakatti (Sl. No. 12) of Karnataka circle was appointed through aforesaid memo in PS Gr. B cadre and allotted to Karnataka. The officer vide his application dated 05/7/2016 addressed to Secretary (Posts) has declined the promotion due his personal and family ground and therefore officer’s name was not reflected in the DPC list circulated by Directorate under memo No. 09-14/2016-SPG dated 9/12/2016, as his debarment period was current.
Furthermore, DG (Posts) vide Memo No. 9-14/2016-SPG dated 20/6/2017 has accepted the request applications of 18 officers for declination of promotion to PS Gr. B cadre, but the name of the above named officer has not reflected in the memo ibid.
It is therefore requested to kindly look into the matter and resolve the grievances of the officer by promoting him through ensuing supplementary DPC.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
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