Please see Letter regarding cadre restructuring

No. 23350103
No. 17-2-17, P&T Quarters, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001

No. 17/Cadre restructuring Dated: 29-05-2017

Sri AK Nanda
Department of Posrts
New Delhi-110001

Sub; Cadre restructure in Tamil Nadu Circle-reg

We are highly agonized to bring to your kind notice about the implementation of Cadre Restructure in Tamil Nadu in a hasty way and in the process violating all norms governing the subject. All the representation of unions, besides individuals has been totally discarded with no due consideration at all.

The identification of Posts, in LSG in particular, by the Chief PMG is evidently in stark deviation to the basic rule of cadre restructure. Of the total, 2869 LSG post allotted to the circle about 1818 posts of SPM of single handed and double handed offices have been identified. The rest of the 1051 posts have been identified from among times scale PA Post like OAs, PA in HO, CPC,BPC and Treasurers and PAs in RLO etc. 

The copies of the orders issued by Chief PMG, identifying the LSG/HSG II/HSG I are attached herewith.

As could be seen from LSG Posts, it is very much apparent that Chief PMG has identified Posts other than SPMs of “C” & “B” Classes. It is not known as to which authority or statutory rule that is relied upon by the Circle administration to devise their own scheme of identifying the LSG Posts from among the post authorized and prescribed by directorate.
If identification of LSG Posts more than the entitled Posts is allowed, it shall lead to absolute chaos manipulation in the identifying the post. The strange decision not in line with base rule is nothing but an act inviting arbitrariness enabling the vested interest to play havoc.

If this kind of the uncalled for action of Chief PMG is upheld, the same sort of pattern may kindly be ordered in all circle empowering the head of the circle to identify post of his choice.


The second aspect of clear violation o f not our rule but also the natural justice behold of employees of Tamil Nadu Circle is the way the Circle Seniority List was compiled and the draft list was circulated among the staff found in the list .The orders of promotion have been issued based upon this seniority list which is still in the level draft list totally ignoring the representation of aggrieved officials and without addressing the objection raised by the union over the tenability of the list in so far the criterion followed in fixing the seniority as per the rules on the subject.

The draft Seniority List circulated by the Chief PMG, Tamil Nadu Circle is attached.

The Seniority List is the first of its kind circulated after 1985 [since when the Circle Gradation List was scrapped following the divisonilisation of LSG sequel to introduction of TBOP]. The Seniority List instead of incorporating all eligible officials as an any cut-off date in the recent past has been abridged. The short listed seniority list is stated to have included the officials who were appointed before 4.11.1992 and confirmed after 1988. Added to this constraint with two attributes, the date of confirmation is taken as criterion for the deciding the seniority even though rule is very clear that date appointment should be taken for those whose seniority is not determined ever before in the circle. As this is the first time seniority of all enlisted officials are fixed the date of confirmation should not have been taken in to account vide DOPT letter 

The Cadre Restructure is now ordered on the basis of this seniority list pertaining to a period of unknown relevancy with two attributes of 04.11.1992/01.04.1988 as cut off.

The reason for constraining list the officials is not known and the officials in this list are far less than the officials required for promotion and for filling up of the identified Posts [zero of consideration].

My Circle Union have already objected to the irregularity in the Four Monthly Meeting held on 20.04.2017 as follows.

“Request for recasting the latest Circle Seniority List now under circulation [for those who are appointed before 04.11.1992 and confirmed after 01.04.1988] as per the criterion instructed in the following rules on the subject.

(a) DO PT OM No. 20011/5/90 Estt (D) dated 04.11.1992 (for fixing seniority as per the date of appointment for those whose seniority has not been already fixed)
(b) C.O. OM No. STA/29-2/75 dated 14.07.1975 (for ensuring the confirmation condition is confined to intra batch of a given year).
(c) C.O. Letter No. STA/5-1/88 dated 22.01.1989 (to uniformly confirm all those who fulfill the eligibility of confirmation sequel to delinking of lien for the purpose) in a bid to dispel the disparity in vogue among units.”

Despite the assurance given by Chief PMG in the minutes of the meeting, the demand of the Union will be reviewed, no plausible correction is effected to the truncated seniority list.

Many of individual representations made by the aggrieved officials also did not receive any response, so far.

Thus the seniority list which is a full of flaws and in violation of rules, have been considered by Circle administration, just in order to complete Cadre Restructure in haste.

It is, therefore, requested that the above request may kindly be considered and cause to implement the Cadre Restructure in its true spirit in Tamil Nadu without implementing the Cadre Restructure in a hasty manner.

A line is reply is highly solicited.

Yours Sincerely,

(D Kishan Rao)
General Secretary
Copy to:-
Member(P) - for information and necessary action.


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