Instruction on resetting of Password for DOP Finacle


It is noticed that many request for Password reset are being received even after 1300 Hrs which conveys either of the following.
1. User has not logged in to the Finacle till 1300 Hrs.

2. Even if user logged in and started working in Finacle application , user got forgot his/her password instantly.

Both the cases mentioned above are not JUSTIFIED and not entertained.

All Finacle users are instructed to login with their credentials at least before 1100 Hrs to avoid such instances.

Password Reset Request will not be processed  for user IDs received after 1300 Hrs from 28-June-2017 strictly.

Divisions / Regions / SPOCs are requested not to forward any such request after 1300 Hrs.

Thanks & regards,
CBS-CPC Karnataka Team

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