22.06.2017 ------- HUMAN CHAIN
After formation of the Homan Chain, the following pledge should be read out loudly in local language by some leaders, if possible through sound amplifier, and those employees and pensioners in the Human chain should jointly repeat each line loudly.
Please translate the pledge to your local language
= M.Krishnan ,
Secretary General
-- We , the Central Government Employees and Pensioners
-- under the banner of our glorious organisation
-- Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers
-- express our strong protest and discontentment
-- against the totally indifferent and negative
-- attitude of the NDA Govt at the Centre
-- towards the genuine and legitimate demands of
-- thirty two lakhs Central Govt employees
-- and thirty three lakhs Central Govt pensioners.
-- We strongly condemn the betrayal of
-- Hon'ble Home Minister and Finance Minister
-- who during the negotiation with the staff side
-- categorically assured increase in Minimum pay
-- and also increase in fitment formula
-- of the Central Govt employees and Pensioners.
-- It is shameful that the Cabinet Ministers
-- failed to honour their assurance even after twelve months.
-- we demand immediate increase in minimum pay and fitment formula.
-- Revised allowances including HRA and Transport allowance
-- are still not granted to Central Govt employees
-- we demand immediate revision of allowances from January 2016.
-- one and the only favourable recommendation of the 7th CPC
-- Option -1 parity for the past pensioners
-- mercilessly rejected by the NDA Government.
-- we demand implementation of Option -1 parity for pensioners.
-- We strongly oppose privatisation of social security and pension
-- we demand scrapping of contributory pension system
-- we want defined benefit pension for all
-- we demand immediate revision of wages of
-- three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevak employees
-- and grant of civil servant status to them
-- Inspite of historic judgement of the Supreme Court
-- equal pay for equal work is denied to
-- thousands of casual and contract workers
-- Autonomous body employees and pensioners
-- who are integral part of the Central Government
-- are humiliated by denying their pay revision and pension revision
-- we demand immediate implementation of their pay and pension revision.
-- More than six lakhs posts are lying vacant in Central services
-- downsizing and outsourcing has become the order of the day
-- we demand stop outsourcing and privatisation
-- we demand settlement of 21 points charter of demands
-- We the central Govt employees and pensioners
-- jointly with other sections of the working class
-- resolve with firm determination
-- we shall continue our uncompromising struggle
-- against the anti-labour and anti-people policies
-- pursued by the NDA Govt at the Centre
-- we declare that we shall not surrender before
-- aggressive policy offensives of the NDA Govt.
-- we shall also not surrender our right to
-- collective bargaining and strike
-- under any circumstances.
-- we pledge that we shall not rest
-- till the retrograde neo-liberal policy offensives
-- of the Central Government are defeated
-- we shall fight and fight and fight
-- till our legitimate demands are achieved.
Unity for struggle and struggle for unity
Inquilab Zindabad
Confederation Zindabad
Working class unity Zindabad.
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