Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 11th May, 2017
Subject: Fixation of pay of State Government Employees on their appointment in Central Government, subsequent to the implementation of CCS(RP)Rules, 2016.
The undersigned is directed to state that the method of fixation of pay of State Government employees on their appointment under the Central Government has been spelt out in this Department’s OM No.12/ 1/94- Estt.(Pay-I) dated 24.3.1994, 3.1.1996, OM No.13/2/1999-Estt(Pay-I) dated 18.6.2001 and OM No.12/1/2009-Estt(Pay-I) dated 28.8.2014.
2. The question of fixation of pay in the revised pay structure in cases of appointment from State Government to Central Government consequent upon implementation of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, has been considered in consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the President is pleased to decide that in cases of appointment of State Government employees in Central Government on or after 1.1.2016, pay will be fixed in the following manner:-
(a) Where the State Government has revised the Pay Scales/Grade Pays of their employees on the pattern of Seventh Central Pay Commission at the base index of 261.41 as per AICPI (IW)2001 series w.e.f. 1.1.2016, the pay of employees from such State Government on their appointment under the Central Government would be fixed as follows:
(i) When the appointment is to a post in higher Level, one increment shall be given in the Level from which the employee is appointed and he/she would be placed at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the Level of the post to which appointed and if no such Cell is available in the Level to which he/she is appointed, he/ she would be placed at the next higher Cell in that higher Level. However, if the amount so arrived at after adding the increment in lower Level is less than the minimum pay or the first Cell in the higher Level, the pay shall be fixed at minimum pay or first Cell of the higher Level.
(ii) Where the appointment is to a post involving identical Level, the individual shall continue to draw the same pay.
(b) Where the State Government has revised the pay Scales/Grade Pay of their employees after 1.1.2016 beyond the base index of 261.41 as per AICPI (IW) 2001 series, the basic pay of the employee is to be determined first in the Central Pay Matrix by reducing the element of DA,ADA,IR etc. granted by the State Government after 1.1.2016 beyond the base index of 261.41 as per AICPI (IW) 2001 series and thereafter the pay would be fixed as provided in the clause (i) and (ii) under sub-para (a) above.
(c) Where the State Government has either not revised or revised the pay scale of their employees on or after 1.1.2016 below the base index of 261.41 as per AICPI(IW) 2001 series, the basic pay of these employees shall be determined first in the Central Pay Matrix, by adding the element of DA, ADA upto the base index of 261.41 as per AICPI (IW) 2001 series, granted by the State Government and thereafter their pay would be fixed as provided in the clause (i) and (ii) under sub-para (a) above.
3. These orders are applicable to employees of the State Government and Local Bodies under the State including Emergency Divisional Accountants/Divisional Accountants appointed under Central Government on or after 1.1.2016.
4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
5. Hindi version will follow.
(Pushpender Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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