Impact on rotational Transfer 2017

1. Only PA Posts can be rotated for 2017
2. Preference would be given for those who have completed their tenure..
3. Transfer at Request will also be considered.
4. PAs cannot apply for transfer to SPM Posts or PA officials cannot be transferred to SPM Posts even at Request or on interest of service.

Filling of SPM Posts

1. Will be on Promotional Hierarchy ..
2. Those who have been promoted to LSG Cadre can alone apply for the Post of SPMs in single and double handed Offices.

Filling up of Treasury Posts 

3. LSG Officials can apply for the Post of Treasurer in identified offices ( Treasury Tenure will be likely to get modified as 4 years )

Other Posts 

4. LSG Officials can also apply for the newly created Posts in DO, CPC, BPCs

Cases where Posts Cannot be filled up 

1. When there would be Posts lying vacant after Posting of LSG Officials within the Division, the vacant posts can be filled up by..
a. LSG Officials of other Divisions .
b. Senior most T/S PAs on Adhoc Basis..

Cases where Officials cannot be housed in the same Division..

There may be instances where the number of officials would be higher than the Promotional Posts, then in that case the officials have to opt for the nearest Divisions..

Filling of LSG Posts under Circle Cadre...

Since the LSG Posts are Circle Cadre and liable for allocation within the circle , Initial allotment for the Promoted officials would be within the Region and within the Division as well..

This allotment would be based on the number of Posts created in the Parent Division of the Official.

If the Official falls junior most in the Promotion list for a DIVISION and if there is no sufficient LSG Posts in the Division , the official may be allotted to the Divisions where there is sufficient Posts . This would be within the Region Only..

Surplus Officials of the Region 

If there are officials surplus after filling up of all the LSG Posts in the Region , there are chances that an Officials would be allotted to the next Region.

Cases of Declination and Impact on the Officials

1. Officials Declining regular Promotion would not be able to get their next MACPs and likely to get postponed until promotion is accepted.

2. Officials likely to Retire within a year or three and if there is no chance of MACPs may opt to Decline their Promotion.

3. Officials like to get MACP within 6 Years should accept the Promotion or else there would be heavy financial loss in the Retirement Benefits.

4. There are wider chances that those officials retiring within 10 years would get promoted upto HSG I level within 10 years. 

5. Officials who have completed 14 to16 years of service should accept the Promotion if listed and get a wider chance to get promoted to HSG II with their next MACP.

Financial Impact on officials Posted to Rural Areas where the HRA is lesser than the Actual Drawn and Offices with quarters facility.

1. Considerable loss to income / allowances would be there for officials posted in stations with lesser HRA than actually drawn by the Official. 

2. Officials may also have to loose full HRA allowance if the Post Office in a rural area is being attached with Quarters . ( Of course many quarters are resided by ghosts) 

3. Shifting of Family and creation of new establishment at the new place would also cost them more.

4. Many Officials have to spend a lot for transportation daily.

5. It is Advised to Consult a Good Financial Adviser before proceeding on transfer / Promotion to the new Place.

6. Studies to children would also get affected during the period...


1. Officials should be Posted in a Manner that they are not dislocated and resulting in financial loss. This will also reduce the number of officials declining the Promotion.

2. Officials should be occupied within the Division .

3. Surplus officials should be provided with nearest Division and should be provided Transfer to parent Division as and when Vacancy arises .

4. A Separate waiting list should be maintained at Regional level for Transfer and Posting of officials who where provided nearest Division in the original transfer process.

5. Preference should be given to surplus officials posted in nearest divisions in the Yearly RT.

6. LSG Cadre should be Brought Down to Regional Cadre .

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