Circle Union writes to the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle on irregular opening of small denomination accounts

No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 09 – 04 / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 12th April, 2017
Dr. S K Kamila, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle
Bhubaneswar – 751 001

Sub: Exploitation to employees/customers through irregular opening of Accounts in contravention to SB Order No. 11/2011 and 14/2011. 

Respected Sir,
It is brought to the notice of this Circle Union that some Divisional heads have recently, especially during the last week of March, 2017 compelled our staff members to open small denomination R D Accounts to achieve the targets assigned to them in complete deviation of S B Order No. 11 / 2011 and 14 / 2011.

Illustratively, we would like to intimate that the SPOs, Aska has compelled all the staff including GDS of the Division to open at least 100 / 150 RD accounts of Rs.10/- denomination with individual contribution from their own pockets amounting a sum of Rs.1000 / Rs.1500 as a result of which nearly 70000 small denomination RD accounts (Rs10/- each) have been opened on 30/03/2017 and 31/03/2017 with the following gross irregularities.

1. The amounts are collected and deposited in Non-CBS offices.

2. A single application form has been used for opening of 100 to 150 numbers of accounts of the same individual.

3. No pass book is issued to any such account holder.

4. One pay in slip is used for same individual irrespective of number of accounts opened.

This is just one example. There are several other Divisions which have also adopted such irregular practices in contravention to above S B orders.

In this context, we would like to bring to the kind notice of our Chief PMG that while withdrawing the restriction imposed through S B order No. 11 / 2011 for opening of more than one account in the same scheme in the name of same depositor or acceptance of more than one purchase application of the same scheme in the name of same depositor in one post office on a single day, it has been instructed in S B Order No. 14 / 2011 (No.116 – 35 / 2009 – SB, dated 05.08.2011) to avoid deliberate splitting of cash at the time of opening of account/purchase of certificates.
But in complete deviation to the above S B Orders, irregular opening of such small denomination RD Accounts in huge numbers is nothing but a serious exploitation both to the staff members and customers as well.

When such practices were in operation before 2011, the Staff Side opposed it which resulted in issuing the above S B Orders imposing restrictions. It is needless to reiterate that those small denominations R D Accounts opened during 2010-2011 became silent without further deposits and now these are being tendered at the P O counters for closure and such bulk closures of these silent/dead accounts in huge numbers have now been a challenge for the Counter P As and Supervisors in the system software through Finacle. Failure to attend / complete the closure of such accounts in time has gone a long way in tarnishing the image of the Department. This needs to be avoided at any cost.

The plight of the staff members of the single / double-handed post offices for such bulk opening / closing beggars description. Similar is the position in several other post offices since we are running with acute shortage of staff. The POs having branch offices are the worst suffers in such cases.

This Circle Union never stands in the way of achieving targets. Rather we are motivating our members in several meetings and conferences to rise to the occasion and to work hard for earning more and more revenue to save the Department which is the need of the hour.

But what we talk here is about the facts and reality. Exploitation both to the customers and employees in the name of achieving targets is highly unappreciable.

Thus, we would like to request our Chief PMG to suitably instruct all unit heads not to compel the employees including GDS to adopt such irregular practices through deliberate splitting of cash and not to force them to contribute from their own pockets for opening of small denomination accounts in future.

A line of reply on the nature of action taken is highly solicited.

With regards.
Yours faithfully,

Circle Secretary
Copy for information and necessary action :

1-2 : The Postmaster General Sambalpur / Berhampur Region.


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