Cases of complaints against officers

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
05-April-2017 17:51 IST

Cases of complaints against officers 

As informed by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the confidential list of ‘Officers of Doubtful Integrity’ and ‘Agreed List’ are prepared by the Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) of Ministry/Department/Organisation independently in consultation with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and in accordance with the guidelines issued by Ministry of Home Affairs vide OM No. 105/1/66-AVD-I dated 28.10.1969 and OM No. 130/1/66-AVD dated 05.05.1966 respectively.

To ensure probity in conduct of government officials, government has undertaken intensive review for effective implementation of various measures which inter-alia include:

(i) Rotation Transfer Policy for government officials.

(ii) For timely disposal of pending disciplinary proceedings, the All India Services (Discipline and Appeals) Rules, 1969 have been amended to provide for strict timelines in the procedure related to disciplinary proceedings.

(iii) Timely decision in cases related to prosecution sanction of public servants referred by the Anti corruption agencies.

(iv) Invocation of FR 56(j) and All India Services (Death Cum Retirement Benefits) Rule, 1958 for prematurely retiring officials whose performance has been reviewed and found unsatisfactory.

As intimated by the CVC, complaints received against public servants on various allegations are not maintained separately for officers category-wise. 

The number of complaints received against officers including above Joint Secretary level and action taken thereon by CVC during the last three years are as under:

Year No. of complaints received including brought forward Sent for inquiry/ investigation to CVO/CBI Sent for necessary action to CVOs Filed
2014 64410 1214 24012 36873
2015 32149 179 16215 14395
2016 51207 86 11845 36833
2017* 5850 1 1842 823

*upto February, 2017

Details of penalties imposed by various disciplinary authorities in r/o cases where CVC has tendered its advice are as under:

*upto February, 2017

Details of penalties imposed by various disciplinary authorities in r/o cases where CVC has tendered its advice are as under:


Punishments awarded

(as reported by CVOs in pursuance to Commission’s advice)


Major penalty

Minor penalty

Administrative Action

















This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri Ram Tahal Choudhary, Shri Prataprao Jadhav and Shri Ramdas C.Tadas in the Lok Sabha today.


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