Cadre Restructuring and BPEF

Dear friends,

Some important points and developments for discussion and introspection on Cadre Restructuring.

1)We all know that during April 2014 when Parliament election was round the corner, DOP has signed Cadre Restructuring with two non BPEF unions.

2)The details of implementation, its implications , advantages and disadvantages to officials were not assessed.

3)Now implementation process is started. identification posts were started from Orissa, Karnataka,Tamilnadu etc.
Accordingly Number of A,B and C class SOs were identified as LSG and HSG ll 
4)Now it is clear that these cadre Restructured LSG and HSG ll are not equal to existing Norm based LSG posts.

5)The existing Norm based LSG are fully supervisory duties with more then 3 PAs to perform Operative duties and SPM LSG is fully operative.
6)But in the Cadre Restructured LSG the promoted officials has to perform Operative duties only as no separate staff is available for the operative work in existing C and B class,which now treated as LSG under Cadre Restructuring 

7)The pay scale of LSG is old Grade pay 2800/-. There are large number of MACP I, II, III officials with Grade pay of 2800/- ,4200/- and 4600/- are available in each Division eligible to be posted to those posts.Their number is almost double the posts created. 

8)Naturally there will be no financial benefit for another 5-10 years as existing MACP officials will be posted to those posts and new MACP I will be added every year.

9)As already discussed there will no changes in duties from operative to Supervisor OR no monetary benefit. Then why this anti employees agreement is Signed. 

10)The initial implementation of Cadre Restructuring will lead to transfer and shifting of large section of staff from one post to another and also from one place to another.Some officials will be even promoted and posted outside the division. Both Seniors, Juniors will be equally hit hard and will be put in to lot of hardship and inconvenience, adversely affecting their family and personal life.

11)Department will also face lot of problem due to large scale movement and dislocation of trained, skilled , experience staff to faraway places.

12) This will results in negative impact on adopting new technology, improving business and service to members of public.

Therefore from the day one Bharatiya union (BPEF) has vigorously taken up the issue with Secty DOP.

A detailed memorandum was submitted highlighting the concern of staff on 08/03/17 itself. 

Secty Genl and Genl Secty have personal met Dop Secty and other top officers on 17/03/17 to highlight the issue.

From 07/04/17 to 13/04/17 BPEF Secty Genl along with other leaders had 3-4 meetings with officers concerned.

Many doubts and clarification were exchanged during those talks. The issues are yet to be resolved.

The changes in the orders also requires consent of Department of expenditure also.

In addition BPEF has noticed that the orders of Cadre Restructuring approved by Expenditure Dept is Not notified in the Govt of India Gazette. 

Earlier Fast Track promotion and Postmaster Grade promotion were duly notified in Govt of India Gazette. Hence BPEF feels that the orders issued and action taken so far is irregular and not in accordance to Rules and procedures.BPEF has brought the matter to the notice of concerned.

Next week also BPEF Secty Genl will continue his efforts to reach an employees friendly solution to this important issue 

If the Cadre Restructuring is implemented in its present form the entire PA cadre staff will permanently suffer with untold hardship.

Therefore I request all right thinking staff to support the sincere efforts of BPEF expressing solidarity with our leaders efforts and genuine fight for good.

Thanking you.

BS Ranganatha.
Asst Genl Secty BPEA P3
and President Karnataka circle at Hassan 573201 karnataka .dtd 14/04/2017.

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