(Recognized by Govt. of India P & T Board New Delhi Order No. 13/28/68 SR dated 21.04.1970
CHQ : SRT Nagar P.O Building (IV floor). Opp. Meghdoot Bhawan, New Delhi-55
Postmaster Grade I A.P.M S.P.M.DISTT BOARD P.
Egmore,– 600008 (T.N) NOIDA H.P.O– 201301(U.P) BIJNOR – 246701(U.P)
Mob:09444625336, Mob:09910889554, 09319317089 Mob : 09837123688
09043927257 Landline:01342-28268
Ref:AIAPS/GS/PM Grade I exam/16-17 dated at New Delhi 29th March 2017
The Honorable Secretary Posts,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001
Subject: Non conduction of Postmaster Grade I exams for the past 3 years– reg
Reference 1: Directorate letter No. A-34012/01/2015-DE dated at Dak Bhawan the 15th January 2015
Reference 2: Directorate letter No. A-34012/01/2016-DE dated at Dak Bhawan the 08th March 2016
Reference 3: Directorate letter No. A-34012/01/2017-DE dated at Dak Bhawan the 20th February 2017
Respected sir,
A kind reference is invited to the above reference (attached with this letter for quick reference) and vide above reference 1 of postal directorate, Postmaster Grade I exam (centralized exam category) was scheduled on 19.07.2015 and unfortunately that exam was not conducted by the Postal directorate and some other centralized exams are conducted.
Vide above reference 2 of the Postal Directorate, it was mentioned that all the schedule for centralized LDC exams would be issued after the engagement of the new agency. That time too some other centralized category LDC exams were conducted except Postmaster cadre.
Now Vide reference 3 of the Postal directorate once again mentioned that PM Grade I LDC exams for the backlog years 2015, 2016, 2017 would be conducted after the engagement of new outsourced agency.
Because of not conducting the Postmaster Grade I LDC exams for the past 3 years, large volume of vacuum is created among the postmaster grade posts. Now those key post offices are once again managed by the untrained Postal Assistants, which may forfeiting the exact purpose of the Postmaster cadre creation to man the key post offices by the well qualified and trained regular incumbents.
So this association requests the honorable Secretary Posts sir to do the needful to the immediate conduction of the Postmaster Grade I LDC exams for the year 2015, 2016, and 2017 as like conducting the exams to some other centralized LDC categories.
An immediate action to conduct the Postmaster Grade I LDC exams and a line in reply would be highly solicited.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Copy to,
Shri. G.M. Taneja, ADG (DE), Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001 for kind information and requesting early necessary action to conduct the Postmaster Grade I exam immediately as like conducting other centralized category exams please.
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