The concept of developing a tie-up between DoP and Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) to leverage rural Post Offices as an Employment Registration Centre has been initiated by DoP as a follow up to the recommendations of the Group of Secretaries, appointed by the Hon’ble Prime Minister to explore innovative ideas for transformative change in various areas of governance.
2. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between DoP and Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) to leverage Post Offices as Employment Registration Centres. The project has been scheduled to be launched on 12-02-2017 at Hyderabad by the Hon’ble Minister for Labour and Employment.

3. The project envisages enabling post offices to function as an Employment Registration Centre for unemployed rural youth through National Career Service (NCS) portal, which facilitates registration / updation of job seekers, job providers, skill providers, career counsellors, etc. The portal provides job matching services in a highly transparent and user friendly manner.

4. The tie-up is expected to bridge the gulf between the net connected urban areas and non connected rural areas, helping the youth to avail facility to register for employment at their doorstep hassle free. It will also provide access to the unemployed youth to a rich repository of career content over 3000 of occupations across 52 sectors kept by the NCS data base.

5. The project will also create a nation-wide online platform for jobseekers and employers for job matching in a dynamic, efficient and responsive manner. The post offices would be charging nominal charges for the services as below:
New Job Registration : Rs. 15/-
Updation of Job seeker Profile : Rs. 5/-
Printout of Application Form, if Any : Rs. 10/-
5. It would be great opportunity and convenience to the unemployed youth of the county and a win-win situation to both the DoP and MoLE . The tie-up will also help the post offices in increasing its footfall, visibility and pave way to bring back the post offices to the mainstream offering relevant services to the citizen.


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