- PFRDA receives a lot of complaints/grievances about non receipt of statement of Transactions(SoT) or for the facility of issuing PRAN ( Permanent Retirement Account Number ) card. On an average, 5-10 Subscribers' grievances are received at our end from the Subscribers of APY seeking details of SoT or PRAN card.
- NSDL/CRA has now provided the value added features completely online which empowers APY Subscribes to view/print/preserve their APY account details by providing their PRAN and associated Savings Bank Account details.
- The Subscribers without PRAN can also avail the facility by providing their Name, Savings Bank Account Number and DoB.
- The above new facility launched by PFRDA will facilitate more than 44.25 lac Subscribers to navigate their APY account completely online and print their e- PRAN card/e-SoT seamlessly without visiting their Bank or Postal Branch. APY-SP can also avail the facility on behalf of their customers at their branches as part of customer servicing on day to day basis.
- DFS/PFRDA advises all APY-SP to popularize the new functionality among their customers and urge them to use the features more extensively.
- e-PRAN/e SoT is available in the link https://npslite-nsdl.com/CRAlite/EPranAPYOnloadAction.do. iKindly visit https://www.npscra.nsdl.co.in and find the facility under Atal Pension Yojana. Please feel free to offer any suggestions or further improvement by writing your feedback to Mr Rupam Nath (rupam.nath@pfrda.org.in)
APY Promotion Team
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