1. The accounting procedure is attached herewith. On every 2nd & 4th Saturday, CTS/NPCI Clearing House will not function. Please get training from VSoft. Scan CTS presentation cheques on all Clearing House working days after 12am to 5pm selecting CTS option. Scan NON-CTS presentation cheques on every Monday before 11AM but not later 1130AM selecting Non-CTS option in scanning software. In case, Monday happens to be Clearing House Holiday, Non-CTS presentation session (scanning) would be advanced (pre-poned) to preceding Clearing House working day (ie Saturday or Friday). In case Tuesday happens to be a Clearing House Holiday, Non-CTS return session will be postponed to the next Clearing House working day(Wednesday).
2. The inward cheque image has to be downloaded from eDesk at your end (CARE: Images will be available in eDESK for 3 days only) and you need to save the images in your local system and EXTERNAL 1TB hard-disk as well. All images and physical cheques to be preserved for 10 Years. Based on POSB Cheque image, amount will be debited from respective Post Office Savings Account.The image will have Post Office Savings Account No., Signature etc.,While downloading inward POSB images from eDesk (see screen shots) you must check whether any images are listed in OTHERS.
3. If the POSB cheque is returned (Outward return in eDesk or Inward reject as per Finacle) with any reason, it has to be marked in eDesk (select "reason code" from pop-down) on the same day of receipt of inward and well before the cut off timings prescribed. Cut-off timings for CTS-Return clearing is before 1300 hrs on all Clearing House working days and for Non-CTS the return timings is before 12 Noon on Tuesdays (read para 1). In case, Tuesday happens to be a CTS Holiday then NPCI will postpone Non-CTS Return session to Wednesday. To download inward images and clear in Finacle, do marking returns in eDesk is the sole responsibility of your HO (including images of your SOs) as per arrangement made in your Circle.
4.Chennai GPO will account only the figures relating your HO as per Clearing House Reports and all such Clearing Accounting done against your HO is communicated by email daily at the close of the day ie 6pm to 7pm which your HO need to check and report back immediately about any discrepancy noticed.
5.Therefore, please check receipt of all emails relating to your HO accounting period in your email inbox daily.
6. Hence, kindly contact VSoft to get the images of all cheques DIRECTLY from VSOFT IMMEDIATELY (as images are available in eDesk for the latest 3 days only. GPO did not preserve images of Anantapur) and the amount may be debited immediately with due Clearing Date as date of transaction in Finacle. Insufficient fund cases or any POSB return cases may kindly be taken with respective presenting Bank with return memo and obtain Pay order.First you have to contact presenting Bank and check whether it accepts your late return. If not, you need to pressurize the Post Office customer to make good the amount.
7. Every item of Late-return amount [pending receipt of Pay Order from presenting Bank or till made good by PO Customer] may be kept under CLG-UCP as individual item entry with clear description in CLG-UCP Register on the day of actual accounting at your HO simultaneously comparing, verifying with our Chennai GPO email daily Clearing Figures shown against your HO (Anantapur). Please make an error entry and obtain prior approval from Postmaster Ananthapur HO to charge every such late return item under CLG-UCP (Amount is irrelevant here). Every CLG-UCP should be prefixed with CLG before UCP entry with a running a separate serial number so as to distinguish from general UCP. No formal sanction is required from Divisional Office when it comes to clearing operations- i.e CLG-UCR or CLG-UCP. When PayOrder is received from the Presenting Bank for late returns or when made good by the Customer, each relevant UCP item is to be adjusted under CLG-UCR by giving per contra to UCP item entry. ALL ATTEMPTS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO ADJUST PENDING CLG-UCP ITEM . NO CLG-UCP item is kept pending unduly for a longer period. Every Saturday, all pending CLG-UCP is to be reviewed by Postmaster.
8. Therefore, kindly debit the amount for the images not downloaded for period as required for Anantapur from concern Postoffice Savings Account at your end with value date as per eDesk reports or get the Payorder immediately from Presented bank without involving Chennai GPO to avoid RAA Discrepancy.
Click Here to download material on CTS.
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