Permission to travel by private airlines in. respect of journey performed for donation/transplantation of organs by Govt. servant

Permission to travel by private airlines in. respect of journey performed for donation/transplantation of organs by Govt. servant: Fin Min OM dated 26.10.2016

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 26.10.2016


Subject: Permission to travel by private airlines in. respect of journey performed for donation/transplantation of organs by Govt. servant.

It has come to notice that in a few cases involving organ transplantation, timely transportation of the patient or transportation of the organ which is a very crucial part of the process got delayed because of non-availability of Air India flights. Also, references have been received in this Department that Govt. employees are facing hardship in obtaining ex-post-facto approval in such cases.

2. The matter has been considered in the Department and in view of the urgency involved in cases of harvesting of organs or transplantation of organs where speedy transportation of the patient or organs is involved, it is clarified that in all such cases travel by any airlines other than Air India may be allowed to Govt. servants. 

3. This is issued with the approval of Finance Secretary.

(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary (EG)


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