Dear ,
We salute the rock like unity of the GDS employees who have stood by the union in all struggles waged by this union for uplift and wellbeing of the GDS at large. Since the days,our bonus ceiling was sliced at the behest of Nataraja Murti committee and abetted by persons inimical to GDS and this union, we and we alone fought on and on till we achieved our due. Now that we have been able to get the ceiling for bonus calculation to Rs 7000/-, manymeagere entities are rushing to steal the credit for the same by posting false and take claims. In theihr vain attempt to spread lies and staking fake claims, we are reminded of the proverbial jester sprinkling blood of martyers on his body to show as if he was a great warrior.
We don’t know whether to weep or laugh when Sri M.Krishnan in his boastful write-up tries to rewrite history with bogus facts. He remembers only two occasions in the history of struggle – 1984 one day strike and after 32 years the decision to go on abortive two days strike threat on 9th and 10th Nov. 2016 (This stands already withdrawn, hence it is abortive). How can one forget the strike of Dec. 1997 in which ED. Demand was the foremost and whichresulted in appointment of Justice TalwarCommittee? Almost every body knows who formulated this demand which were never formulated like this. Who can forget the nine day strike of 1998 which resulted in achievement of pay scale and increment for the GDS employees? Who can forget the part played by a particular leader for his persistent and firm stand and initiative, while some people had agreed to the age old consolidatedallowance? And of course orders to that effect had been issued by multiplying the previous allowances by a factor of 3.25. who can forget our Strike for inclusion of the GDS issues in the terms of reference of 7th pay commission or appointment of a pay commission for GDS under the chairmanship of a retired Judge of the supreme court or a High Court? We should have succeeded had some verbose people not ditchedus. Can Mr. Krishan & co, who have tried to fragment the GDS employees and who are strilltrying to spread misgivings can elaim a single day’s strike since they cunningly by grabbed the leadership of the postal employees in 2006? The sixth & 7th CPC’s are burning examples. What has a postal Assistant achieved? What has a postman got? We were always ready to jointheir struggles, had they waged one. We respectand love our Group ‘C’ & MTS comrades at the grass root who also love us. But we refuse to be stooge of persons like Mr. Krishnan who takes the employees for a ride for political ends. We deferred the strike for a month on written positive assurance. We are never scared like Mr. Krishnan & Co. under whose leadership st4rike threats were all unconditionally withdrawn.
Mr. Krishnan sheds crocodiles for GDS only to try in vain to belittle our achievement. His sympathy for the GDS is sadistic after having amputated a live limb of body NFPE and throwing the GDS on rood to fend for themselves. He talks of unity of GDS and departmental employees. Does he forget that the GDS were part and pared of the postal employees? Why did you push them out of NFPE in Calcutta federal council? Is it not a fact that we have always supported and given notices of participation in their strikes whenever they gave a call? But what did Mr. Krishnan & co do when we were on strike? Did they ever even issue a statement in support of our strike? Is it unity? When we had given a call for strike on 25th & 26th October 2016, why did they gavea call for a later date? Is it unity? Was it not aimed at damaging our strike? ls it unity? We are grateful to local leadership of departmental employees who gave unqualified support to usin all our struggles. But Mr. Krishanan & co. always ditched our cause? For Mr. Krishananunity means working as his stooge which we refuse to be.
Comrades, we were not required to relive the history and is issue clarification had Mr. Krishnan not written a verbose write-up condemning us and trying to appropriate the achievement won by the sweat of our brow.
Comrades, we again congratulate and salute you for your heroic actions, and maintaining rock like unity. We again extend our gratitude and affection to the local leaders of departmental employees and general departmental comrades for their support, help and cooperation extended to us which we reciprocate.
With Puja, Diwali and Chhat greetings
Yours fraternally
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