House rent allowance (HRA) in 7th CPC rates-Central Govt Employees
All central employees and pensioners eagerly expected the 7th CPC report and its details. Because pay commission is the only opportunity for employees to get revised pay structure and allowances.

June 29th Cabinet Approves 7th CPC report

All medias highlighted some main points like minimum pay 18000,New pay matrix method, and House rent allowance decreased from 10%,20%,30% to 8%,16%,24% respectively.

Employees are not fully satisfied with that news. On July 25th revised pay rules 2016 published in the gazette notification. Employees were expected that they will get the new salary with allowances in coming months. But govt announced that employees will receive the only 7th CPC pay hike . Allowances will be paid as per 6th CPC rate because govt wants to examine allowances which 7th pay commission recommended.

Most of the employees are thinking that at the time itself federations might have been accepted the recommendations and after that negotiate with govt authorities about minimum pay and allowances.

Employees already received salaries without 7th CPC allowances. So this situation brings more pressure to trade unions to reach a positive settlement.

If it fails in this regard then decide to take a struggle path it might be a conversation among employees.

6 th CPC actual implement date is 1/1/2006.But recommendations come to effect on 1/9/2008.Central employees received arrears from 1/1/2006 without allowances including HRA. In the same manner, all allowances including HRA not been paid with 7th CPC revised pay. They received HRA and other allowances in 6th CPC rate which makes a heavy loss to central employees. They feel happy only if they are getting arrears with allowances and also govt will receive good responses from staff side.

The NC JCM also mentioned in a letter dated 12th October to Govt of India that all allowances to be paid from 1/1/2016.

Govt conduct meeting on 24th and 25 th October with NC/JCM to solve the issues of allowances and minimum pay. But It was assured by the Secretary(DoP&T) that, the issues raised by the Staff Side(JCM) would be taken up in the Allowance Committee meeting.

For example a govt servant basic as on 01/01/2016 is 50500.Below table shows the difference between 6th CPC HRA and 7th CPC HRA.
6th CPC HRA 7th CPC HRA 24% Difference
5754 12120 6366
Due to heavy loss in HRA employees are thinking about the decision which makes the way to govt for reconsidering allowances. Almost 10 months crossed without new HRA. No one knows the exact date of getting new HRA and other allowances with salary. All federations and Associations have to put their maximum effort to receive arrears with all allowances. The huge money must take rest at employees hands only because it belongs to them.


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