2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800 with different Grade Pay 4200, 4600, 4800 and 5400 is given in below table. This pay matrix table is effected from July 2017 because after implementation of 7th pay commission in July month first DA hike is declared as per 7th CPC policy. Recently central government of India declared 2% hike in dearness allowance. If you want to calculate 2% DA for your pay scale with grade pay then refer given below pay matrix table for level 6 to level 9.
2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800
2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800PAY MATRIX DA TABLE With Effect From 1.7.2016 FOR LEVEL 6 TO 9 |
Level 6 (GP 4200) | Level 7 (GP 4600) | Level 8 (GP 4800) | Level 9 (GP 5400) | |||||
Basic Pay | 2% DA | Basic Pay | 2% DA | Basic Pay | 2% DA | Basic Pay | 2% DA | |
1 | 35400 | 708 | 44900 | 898 | 47600 | 952 | 53100 | 1062 |
2 | 36500 | 730 | 46200 | 924 | 49000 | 980 | 54700 | 1094 |
3 | 37600 | 752 | 47600 | 952 | 50500 | 1010 | 56300 | 1126 |
4 | 38700 | 774 | 49000 | 980 | 52000 | 1040 | 58000 | 1160 |
5 | 39900 | 798 | 50500 | 1010 | 53600 | 1072 | 59700 | 1194 |
6 | 41100 | 822 | 52000 | 1040 | 55200 | 1104 | 61500 | 1230 |
7 | 42300 | 846 | 53600 | 1072 | 56900 | 1138 | 63300 | 1266 |
8 | 43600 | 872 | 55200 | 1104 | 58600 | 1172 | 65200 | 1304 |
9 | 44900 | 898 | 56900 | 1138 | 60400 | 1208 | 67200 | 1344 |
10 | 46200 | 924 | 58600 | 1172 | 62200 | 1244 | 69200 | 1384 |
11 | 47600 | 952 | 60400 | 1208 | 64100 | 1282 | 71300 | 1426 |
12 | 49000 | 980 | 62200 | 1244 | 66000 | 1320 | 73400 | 1468 |
13 | 50500 | 1010 | 64100 | 1282 | 68000 | 1360 | 75600 | 1512 |
14 | 52000 | 1040 | 66000 | 1320 | 70000 | 1400 | 77900 | 1558 |
15 | 53600 | 1072 | 68000 | 1360 | 72100 | 1442 | 80200 | 1604 |
16 | 55200 | 1104 | 70000 | 1400 | 74300 | 1486 | 82600 | 1652 |
17 | 56900 | 1138 | 72100 | 1442 | 76500 | 1530 | 85100 | 1702 |
18 | 58600 | 1172 | 74300 | 1486 | 78800 | 1576 | 87700 | 1754 |
19 | 60400 | 1208 | 76500 | 1530 | 81200 | 1624 | 90300 | 1806 |
20 | 62200 | 1244 | 78800 | 1576 | 83600 | 1672 | 93000 | 1860 |
21 | 64100 | 1282 | 81200 | 1624 | 86100 | 1722 | 95800 | 1916 |
22 | 66000 | 1320 | 83600 | 1672 | 88700 | 1774 | 98700 | 1974 |
23 | 68000 | 1360 | 86100 | 1722 | 91400 | 1828 | 101700 | 2034 |
24 | 70000 | 1400 | 88700 | 1774 | 94100 | 1882 | 104800 | 2096 |
25 | 72100 | 1442 | 91400 | 1828 | 96900 | 1938 | 107900 | 2158 |
26 | 74300 | 1486 | 94100 | 1882 | 99800 | 1996 | 111100 | 2222 |
27 | 76500 | 1530 | 96900 | 1938 | 102800 | 2056 | 114400 | 2288 |
28 | 78800 | 1576 | 99800 | 1996 | 105900 | 2118 | 117800 | 2356 |
29 | 81200 | 1624 | 102800 | 2056 | 109100 | 2182 | 121300 | 2426 |
30 | 83600 | 1672 | 105900 | 2118 | 112400 | 2248 | 124900 | 2498 |
31 | 86100 | 1722 | 109100 | 2182 | 115800 | 2316 | 128600 | 2572 |
32 | 88700 | 1774 | 112400 | 2248 | 119300 | 2386 | 132500 | 2650 |
33 | 91400 | 1828 | 115800 | 2316 | 122900 | 2458 | 136500 | 2730 |
34 | 94100 | 1882 | 119300 | 2386 | 126600 | 2532 | 140600 | 2812 |
35 | 96900 | 1938 | 122900 | 2458 | 130400 | 2608 | 144800 | 2896 |
36 | 99800 | 1996 | 126600 | 2532 | 134300 | 2686 | 149100 | 2982 |
37 | 102800 | 2056 | 130400 | 2608 | 138300 | 2766 | 153600 | 3072 |
38 | 105900 | 2118 | 134300 | 2686 | 142400 | 2848 | 158200 | 3164 |
39 | 109100 | 2182 | 138300 | 2766 | 146700 | 2934 | 162900 | 3258 |
40 | 112400 | 2248 | 142400 | 2848 | 151100 | 3022 | 167800 | 3356 |
Pay Matrix table for 2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800 with different grade pay shows calculation of different level 6 to level 9 with different entry pay as per 7th pay commission. You can check and calculate with calculator as per your entry as per 7th pay commission. For more go through given below example of 2% DA Calculator.
Example 1:
If your Pay Scale is Rs 9300 to 34800 and your grade pay is 4200 as per 6th pay commission and in 7th pay commission your basic pay is Rs 37600 then your 2% DA will be Rs 774 per month.
Example 2:
If your Pay Scale is 9300 to 34800 and GP is 5400 and as per 7th CPC your level is 9 and your basic pay 53100 then 2% hike in DA will be Rs. 1062.
As per above example you can calculate your DA with given table. You have to find your grade pay and according entry pay as per 7th cpc and according cell will display hike in DA.
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