2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800

2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800 with different Grade Pay 4200, 4600, 4800 and 5400 is given in below table. This pay matrix table is effected from July 2017 because after implementation of 7th pay commission in July month first DA hike is declared as per 7th CPC policy. Recently central government of India declared 2% hike in dearness allowance. If you want to calculate 2% DA for your pay scale with grade pay then refer given below pay matrix table for level 6 to level 9.

2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800

2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800

PAY MATRIX DA TABLE With Effect From 1.7.2016 FOR LEVEL 6 TO 9
Level 6 (GP 4200) Level 7 (GP 4600) Level 8 (GP 4800) Level 9 (GP 5400)
Basic Pay 2% DA Basic Pay 2% DA Basic Pay 2% DA Basic Pay 2% DA
1 35400 708 44900 898 47600 952 53100 1062
2 36500 730 46200 924 49000 980 54700 1094
3 37600 752 47600 952 50500 1010 56300 1126
4 38700 774 49000 980 52000 1040 58000 1160
5 39900 798 50500 1010 53600 1072 59700 1194
6 41100 822 52000 1040 55200 1104 61500 1230
7 42300 846 53600 1072 56900 1138 63300 1266
8 43600 872 55200 1104 58600 1172 65200 1304
9 44900 898 56900 1138 60400 1208 67200 1344
10 46200 924 58600 1172 62200 1244 69200 1384
11 47600 952 60400 1208 64100 1282 71300 1426
12 49000 980 62200 1244 66000 1320 73400 1468
13 50500 1010 64100 1282 68000 1360 75600 1512
14 52000 1040 66000 1320 70000 1400 77900 1558
15 53600 1072 68000 1360 72100 1442 80200 1604
16 55200 1104 70000 1400 74300 1486 82600 1652
17 56900 1138 72100 1442 76500 1530 85100 1702
18 58600 1172 74300 1486 78800 1576 87700 1754
19 60400 1208 76500 1530 81200 1624 90300 1806
20 62200 1244 78800 1576 83600 1672 93000 1860
21 64100 1282 81200 1624 86100 1722 95800 1916
22 66000 1320 83600 1672 88700 1774 98700 1974
23 68000 1360 86100 1722 91400 1828 101700 2034
24 70000 1400 88700 1774 94100 1882 104800 2096
25 72100 1442 91400 1828 96900 1938 107900 2158
26 74300 1486 94100 1882 99800 1996 111100 2222
27 76500 1530 96900 1938 102800 2056 114400 2288
28 78800 1576 99800 1996 105900 2118 117800 2356
29 81200 1624 102800 2056 109100 2182 121300 2426
30 83600 1672 105900 2118 112400 2248 124900 2498
31 86100 1722 109100 2182 115800 2316 128600 2572
32 88700 1774 112400 2248 119300 2386 132500 2650
33 91400 1828 115800 2316 122900 2458 136500 2730
34 94100 1882 119300 2386 126600 2532 140600 2812
35 96900 1938 122900 2458 130400 2608 144800 2896
36 99800 1996 126600 2532 134300 2686 149100 2982
37 102800 2056 130400 2608 138300 2766 153600 3072
38 105900 2118 134300 2686 142400 2848 158200 3164
39 109100 2182 138300 2766 146700 2934 162900 3258
40 112400 2248 142400 2848 151100 3022 167800 3356
Pay Matrix table for 2% DA Calculation for Pay Scale Rs 9300 to Rs 34800 with different grade pay shows calculation of different level 6 to level 9 with different entry pay as per 7th pay commission. You can check and calculate with calculator as per your entry as per 7th pay commission. For more go through given below example of 2% DA Calculator.

Example 1:

If your Pay Scale is Rs 9300 to 34800 and your grade pay is 4200 as per 6th pay commission and in 7th pay commission your basic pay is Rs 37600 then your 2% DA will be Rs 774 per month.

Example 2:

If your Pay Scale is 9300 to 34800 and GP is 5400 and as per 7th CPC your level is 9 and your basic pay 53100 then 2% hike in DA will be Rs. 1062.

As per above example you can calculate your DA with given table. You have to find your grade pay and according entry pay as per 7th cpc and according cell will display hike in DA.


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