Same day delivery of speed post, Express parcel and business parcel articles that are received from HUB for first delivery and 2nd delivery to be delivered on same day itself. This was introduced previously for 20 delivery post offices under Hyderabad city region now has been extended to further 50 offices w.e.f. 17.10.2016. And all 102 delivery offices under Hyderabad city region come under this programme shortly as said by the CPMG – Telangana circle Breg.Chandra sekhar while addressing the city Postmasters and other delivery staff on Same day delivery meeting held at C.O., Hyderabad today. 

Salient features:-

  1. All received speed / BP /EP from HUB during morning hours i.e for first delivery should be delivered completely on same day. 
  2. All the Speed/ BP/EP articles received for 2nd delivery should be delivered completely on same day. 
  3. Articles of above type booked (up to 12.00 Hrs) in the office should be delivered on same day. 
  4. The delivery performance should be >95 % 
  5. The offices which delivery performance < 85 % will be watched.
  6. D+0 should be 100%
  7. Bulk addressee (those who receive more than 10 articles per day) should be identified and their address should be included at NSH level to improve delivery performance for such cases.
  8. The delivery performance should be scrutinized by divisional office every day. 
  9. The MNOP dash board analysis under various items: sorting hub reports, Intra circle hub reports, reports on e- commerce articles and Raw data for analysis has been explained. 
  10. Out sourcing Agency (OSA) engaged: Outsourcing for pick up volume of mail, booking of mail and delivery of mail are to be utilized. The rates for their work has been fixed by circle office for each category wise. Where there is a scope for delivery of mail on same day due to heavy volume the OSA services are to be utilized as per divisional head orders.
  11. NODEL DELIVERY :- Some offices under Hyderabad city region was identified for NODEL MAIL delivery offices. For example Sanjeevareddy Nager & SNIE offices 2nd delivery mail will be sent to Sanjeeva reddy nagar P.O. This office make arrangements for delivery of mail attached to same and other office. GPO- Hyderabad acts as Nodel Office for Putlibowli, Vijayanagar colony, GPO it self. The concept of Nodel delivery is to speed up the mail delivery performance.


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