Letter writing competition

The Department of Posts will conduct a letter writing competition for school students on October 23 at Bharathi Vidyalaya Higher Secondary School auditorium in Maravaneri from 10 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.
A release from Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Salem East Division, said that the competition, ‘Bachchon ke Man ki Baat, Pradhan Mantri ke Saath,’ will be held for students of Standards VI to X. Participants should write a letter to the Prime Minister of India on “India’s Diversity is our strength.” The letter may be written on inland letter cards or on paper.

The stamps would be provided to the participants by the department.
All entries would be addressed to the Prime Minister and participants should post the letter in a letter box which would be available at the venue for the purpose. The letter may be written in Tamil, English or Hindi. Top three entries at divisional level would be given Rs. 1,000 as first prize, Rs. 800 second prize, and Rs. 500 third prize.
The top three entries from all the circles will be sent to the Directorate to select the best three entries at the national level.

Contestants should register their name with the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Salem East Division through their schools.


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