Cadre Restructuring of Group-C Employees in Department of Posts - Odisha Circle

Department of Post, India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle

Memo No:- EST/1-2/Rlg/2016-Corr Dated at Bhubaneswar the 07.10.2016

Sub :- Cadre Restructuring of Group-C employees in Department of Posts.

In pursuance of Directorate memo No.25-04/2012-P.E.I dated 27.05.2016, the number of posts in Postal Assistants (PA), Lower Selection Grade(LSG), Higher Selection Grade II (HSG-II), Higher Selection Grade I (HSG-I) and also a new HSG-I ( Non Functional Grade) in Odisha Circle are hereby created with abolition of required number of posts . The details of such posts abolished and created is enclosed as Annexure-I. The Divisional / Unit Heads will correct / revise their Establishment Register accordingly.

1. Abolition of posts :-

i) The post of SPM in all Single Handed Post Offices /Double Handed Post offices (except the offices shown in Annexure-II) are hereby abolished.

ii) The post of SPM in all Triple Handed Post Offices and existing norm based LSG posts are hereby abolished.

iii) All the existing HSG-II posts ((except the offices shown in Annexure-III) have been abolished.

2. Creation of posts :-

i) The posts of LSG shown in Annexure-LSG in respect to the Divisions are hereby created on abolition of posts at 1 (i ) above.

ii) The posts of HSG-II shown in Annexure-HSG-II in respect to the Divisions are hereby created on abolition of posts at 1 (ii) above.

iii) The posts of HSG-I including HSG(NFG) ( except existing HSG-I) shown in Annexure-HSG-I in respect to the Divisions are hereby created on abolition of posts at 1 (iii) above.

Encl:- as above
( A.K.Rath)
Asst Director (Estt/Plg)
O/o the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle

Copy for kind information and necessary action to :-

1. The PMsG , Berhampur / Sambalpur Region.
2. The Director of Accounts(P), Cuttack-4
3. The Asst. Director (Staff), Circle Office, Bhubaneswar.
4. All the Group Officers, Circle Office, Bhubaneswar.
5. All the SSPOs/SPOs in Odisha Circle.
6. Sr. Postmaster Bhubaneswar GPO/ Cuttack GPO.
7. The Superintendent PSD, Bhubaneswar/ Sambalpur
8. The Superintendent , CSD, Bhubaneswar.
9. All the Postmasters, Head Post Offices in Odisha Circle.
10. Office Copy.
(ए.के. रथ / A.K. Rath)
सहायक निदेशक (स्थापना/योजना)
Asst Director (Est/Plg)
क्रुते चीफ पीएमजी, ओडिशा सर्किल
for Chief PMG, Odisha Circle

Name of the Division Abolition of posts on Cadre Restructuring Creation of posts on Cadre Restructuring
PA LSG HSG-II Total LSG HSG-II HSG-I [ including HSG-I (NFG)] Total
Aska 38 3 2 43 33 8 2 43
Balasore 57 4 1 62 53 8 1 62
Berhampur 71 8 3 82 67 12 3 82
Bhadrak 48 3 1 52 46 5 1 52
Bhubaneswar 56 10 3 69 52 14 3 69
Bolangir 48 3 2 53 44 7 2 53
Cuttack City 52 14 2 68 47 19 2 68
Cuttack North 65 6 1 72 64 7 1 72
Cuttack South 47 4 1 52 43 8 1 52
Dhenkanal 47 6 2 55 39 14 2 55
Kalahandi 34 3 1 38 30 7 1 38
Keonjhar 46 3 1 50 45 4 1 50
Koraput 77 5 3 85 69 13 3 85
Mayurbhanj 80 6 2 88 76 10 2 88
Phulbani 37 2 1 40 37 2 1 40
Puri 69 8 3 80 62 15 3 80
Sambalpur 71 9 4 84 64 16 4 84
Sundergarh 65 8 3 76 60 13 3 76
Total 1008 105 36 1149 931 182 36 1149


Sl No Division No. of NDSO which to be retained as NDSO Name of the Posts which is to be retained as NDSO Name of the Post Office
1 Aska 2 SPM Bhanjanagar College NDT SO
2 SPM Taluka Office Road NDT SO
3 Balasoe 3 SPM Mobarakpur NDSO(C Class)
4 SPM Soro College NDSO(C Class)
5 SPM Nilgiri College NDSO(C Class)
6 Berhampur 4 SPM Braja Nagar
7 SPM Kanisi Hata
8 SPM Chatrapur Bazar
9 SPM Hospital Road (Parlakhemundi)
10 Bhadrak 2 SPM Chandbali Bazar SO
11 SPM Uttarbahini SO
12 Bhubaneswar 4 SPM Airport NDTSO
13 SPM Madhu Sudan Nagar NDTSO
14 SPM Kedargouri NDTSO
15 SPM Dolabedi Chhak NDTSO
16 Bolangir 2 SPM Titilagarh Hatpadapara NDT SO
17 SPM SO nepur Spinning Mill NDT SO
18 Cuttack City 6 SPM Banki College SO
19 SPM Darghabazar SO
20 SPM Gandhibhawan SO
21 SPM O.G.Press SO
22 SPM Odisha School of Engineering SO
23 SPM Pattapole SO
24 Cuttack North 4 SPM Dolipur NDSO
25 SPM Pattamundai College NDSO
26 SPM Kendrapara College Campus NDSO
27 SPM Jajpur College NDSO
28 Cuttack South 1 SPM Athagarh College NDSO
29 Kalahandi 2 SPM Bhawanipatna Bahadurbagichapada NDTSO
30 SPM Kesinga Jagganath Mandir Pada NDTSO
31 Keonjhar 2 SPM Sundar Shiv Mandir ‘C’ Class SO
32 SPM Keonjhar Mining School C” Class SO
33 Koraput 2 SPM Rayagada Bazar S.O.
34 SPM Marathiguda S.O.
35 Mayurbhanj 3 SPM Belgadia NDTSO
36 SPM Mahuldiha NDTSO
37 SPM Udala College NDTSO
38 Phulbani 2 SPM Madikunda NDTSO
39 SPM Nuasahi NDTSO
40 Puri 4 SPM Orissa Engineering College
41 SPM Retang Colony
42 SPM Sinduria
43 SPM Locosettlement
44 Sambalpur 2 SPM GoshalaChowk SO
45 SPM SR Brajrajnagar SO
46 Sundergarh 4 SPM PIET Mandiakudar NDTSO
47 SPM Railway Colony NDSO
48 SPM LC Bondamunda NDSO
49 SPM BrahmaniTarang NDSO


Sl No. Name of the HSG-II posts which will remain as HSG-II
1 DPM, jaleswar HO
2 DPM, Athagarh HO
3 SPM, Marshaghai SO
4 DPM, Chhatrapur HO
5 SPM, Berhampur City
6 SPM, Kesinga SO
7 Postmaster, Barbil MDG
8 Dy. Manager, PSD, Bhubaneswar
9 Dy. Manager, PSD, Sambalpur


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