Solution for the SCSS account renewal error-"Interest Calculation not done .Run HACINT" in DOP Finacle

  • Generally in DOP we will extend the SCSS accounts after completion of the maturity date of that SCSS account.
  • We can check the maturity date for all the TDA accounts ( MIS/TD/SCSS) by using the menu HTDTRAN in DOP Finacle.
HTDTRAN stands for Term Deposit Transaction Details.
  • For operating procedure of the menu HTDTRAN users can CLICK HERE.
  • The menu option used for extension of SCSS/TD accounts is HTDREN in DOP Finacle.
  • For detailed step by step operating procedure to use the menu HTDREN(Term Deposit Renewal) users can CLICK HERE
  • But in some cases while extending the account we will get the error - "Interest Calculation not done .Run HACINT" in DOP Finacle.
  • The error screen shot will be as shown in the below figure.

Root cause of the above problem :- 

The above problem when extending the SCSS account arises in the following case
  • If the next interest run date is less than current date (BOD), then check in HAFI menu, whether there are any pending modifications for the account, try to cancel or verify the same through CSCAM menu, if interest for the account is not up-to-date and run HACINT manually to complete the interest run before proceeding with renewal. Post execution of HACINT, for successful interest run, kindly proceed with renewal or extention through HEXCDM menu. For extending SCSS accounts, interest accrued should be up-to-date, else only after executing HACINT (current period int.), SCSS A/c should be renewed.
HACINT will be executed by CEPT Chennai team hence forward the request to your respective CPC they will forward to CEPT to run HACINT for that SCSS account.

Solution for the above problem :- 

If the interest run happened by CEPT team you can check in HTDTRAN then after executing HACINT try for extension of SCSS account then system will not show any error as there is no pending interest for execution.


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