e-Monitoring of letter boxes clearance in Jodhpur through the 'Nanyatha' software

JODHPUR: The postal department has introduced the electronic monitoring technology for letter box clearance through the 'Nanyatha' software developed by the postal department.

The programme helps to know the status of letters dropped in the box and functioning of the delivery system in the postal network through internet.

Krishna Kumar Yadav, director of postal services, Rajasthan Western Region, Jodhpur, launched the software in Jodhpur on Saturday which is aimed at monitoring the clearance of letter boxes installed at various locations. "This application helps in uploading information about the location of letter box, date and time of clearance and total number of letters, when the barcode is scanned using a smartphone," said Yadav.

"Each letter box is assigned a unique barcode consisting of a pincode followed by a 12-digit serial number. After getting the location, letter box attendant opens it, counts the number of letters inside, and scans the barcode through mobile by using the installed Android app. Then the attendant writes his/her name and the number of articles cleared through the app on the smartphone, which gets uploaded on the server," said Yadav.

This software also facilitates the public to know the status of letter which is posted in a particular letter box.

Customers, by just a click of mouse, can know whether their letters have been collected from the letter box or not. It is also possible to know the date, time and name of the postman who cleared the letters.

Yadav said that the application will be first introduced in Jodhpur city and will be spread to entire region gradually.

In first phase, 22 letter boxes under the control of Jodhpur head post office will be covered in this scheme.

Krishna Kumar Yadav, Director Postal Services, Rajasthan Western Region, Jodhpur launched this software here on Saturday aimed at monitoring the clearance of letter boxes planted at various locations attached to post offices.

"This application helps in uploading the data about the location of letter box, date and time of clearance and number of letters, when the bar code is scanned using a smart phone", said Yadav.

"Each letter box is assigned a unique barcode consisting of a pin code followed by a twelve-digit serial number. After capturing the location, letter box attendant opens it, counts the number of letters inside, and scans the barcode fixed inside through the hand set by using the installed android application. Then the attendant enters his/her name and the number of articles cleared through the app on the smartphone, which gets uploaded on the server", said Yadav.

This software also facilitates the public to know the status of letter clearance which is posted in a particular letter box. Customers by a click of mouse can know whether the letters dropped by them in letter boxes are collected or not. It is also possible to know the date, time and name of the postman who picked up the letters.

Yadav said that the application will be first introduced in Jodhpur city and later will be spread to entire region gradually. In first phase, 22 letter boxes under the control of Jodhpur Head Post Office will be covered in this scheme.


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