Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
27-August-2016 17:40 IST
Clarification on Security Certificate of RTI Portal
A news item titled ‘Security Certificate of RTI Portal Expires’ has appeared in a section of the press today. In the said article, the following main points have been raised:
(i) It has been quoted that the there is a problem with the website for past two weeks
(ii) Security certificate for the RTI online portal has expired
(iii) Data security is at risk so the personal information of the applicant is not secured
(iv) The applicants are unable to pay Rs. 10/- as RTI fee through online portal as the payment gateway is not functioning
(v) Besides these, other technical issues have been raised
It is hereby clarified that the renewal of the Security Certificate has already been applied for and is under process. Necessary payment has been made and procedural formalities have already been completed by the Department of Personnel & Training. It may further be clarified that the RTI online portal is functional and payment gateway is also accepting RTI fee from the applicants. There has been no problem whatsoever in accessing the portal by the citizen/applicant. Data security is also not at risk. The portal is running successfully.
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